All posts in "News"

The Dow & Trump Tax Reform

December 15, 2017

The Trump Tax Reform reducing the corporate tax to 21% and taking effect January 1st, 2018 rather than being delayed until 2019, will be one of the biggest positive catalysts for US equities in decades. This is very interesting because it is now fundamentally validating what our computer has been projecting for highs going up […]

Australia gives Parking Ticket to Man in His Own Driveway

December 15, 2017

Once upon a time, police aspired to protect society. Today, police, in general, are more interested in harassing the public to raise money for the government. In Australia, a man was given a parking ticket in his own driveway. The incident has gone viral in Australia and the government claims his car partially blocked the […]

Police Point Gun & Handcuff 11-Year Old Just to Ask a Question

December 15, 2017

In Grand Rapids, Michigan, the police seem to think they have a right to handcuff people just to question them when they are not even suspected of anything. The police were looking for a WHITE 40-year-old woman for attempted murder. For some reason, they handcuffed even a black 11-year-old girl while he has his gun drawn […]

The Separatist Movements in Canada & One-Size-Fits-All of Marx

December 15, 2017

Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of Alberta. There has been an undertone of the separatist movement in Alberta which actually stems from the Great Depression usurpation of the Federal Reserve by Franklin D. Roosevelt. […]

Market Talk- December 14, 2014

December 14, 2017

Asian markets were the first to reflect the FED’s move, shortly followed by a Chinese response. Earlier today the Peoples Bank of China also raised its base rate by 25bp from 1.50% to 1.75%. In a surprise move they also increase reverse repo rate and Medium Loan Facility by 5bp, in a move that could […]

CNN Desperate to Overthrow the US Government

December 14, 2017

  CNN, who claims to be Most Trusted Name in News™, has demonstrated that they are by no means to be trusted nor are they ever impartial. They are never reporting the news, they try so desperately to make the news. CNN, along with MSNBC and CBS, have shown the entire world that the American Mainstream Media is […]

Pending Tax Reform

December 14, 2017

Congressional Republicans finally reached a deal on the tax cuts, the biggest reform in 30 years. This sets the stage for a vote next week. The U.S. corporate tax rate was changed upward moving to 21%. The top[ tax rate will be reduced marginally from 39.6% to 37%. The corporate alternative minimum tax will probably be repealed. The […]

Trading v Socrates

December 14, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; All of these Robo trading plans are simply a flat model. Socrates is forecasting short and long-term rather than just trading a flat model. Am I correct? PT, Canada ANSWER: Correct. The approach to modeling is traditionally flat. It will take one market and attempt to create a buy/sell model on that market exclusively […]

Victoriatus Hoard Available now for Christmas

December 13, 2017

Available at the WEC We have another hoard available of the early Roman coinage from the Second Punic War. These are the Greek denominations forming the first two-tier monetary system in the known world. Such hoards are rare today so the opportunities to obtain such specimens are becoming far and few between. Prior to the […]

Federal Reserve is Responsible for Global Warming

December 13, 2017

COMMENT: Marty,   I was looking at the Global Warming Chart, at the red line and saying to myself, “That look awfully familiar.” Then I got it.   Note how the red line drops down from 1907 to almost 1913, gets a WWI bump and then rises steadily to about 1938. Then it really goes […]

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