All posts in "News"

Panic Cycles are Different From Volatility

August 11, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your model called for a Panic Cycle on the 8th and Directional Change in the Dow. Then a rise in volatility starting the 9th. So the difference is the Panic Cycle was an outside reversal and then the direction change cemented that as the high. The volatility then kicks in which is […]

Is Australian Government – Crossing the Line into a Totalitarian State

August 11, 2017

  Behind the Curtain, there seems to be no government going completely nuts more so than Australia. They are doubling taxes on all foreigners who own property, which is a violation of international law, and then they made it a crime for a foreign to even buy a house undisclosed. On top of all of […]

The Monetary Crisis Cycle Comes in Two Flavours

August 11, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended the Paris conference of the BIS when you were the keynote speaker. You delivered a forecast that was probably too far ahead for its time. You said the euro would go through and it would first drop but then peak with deflation in 2008 after the markets crash from 2007. […]

Germany Government Trying to Cover-up Continuing Refugee Crisis Before Election

August 10, 2017

It should come as no surprise that the Merkel government has been trying to hide the extent of the ongoing refugee crisis in Germany. The Merkel government appears to be trying to keep police surveillance of border controls top secret. Despite the fact that Merkel did close the Balkan route into Germany, the federal police […]

Trade War with Russia Disguised as Sanctions?

August 10, 2017

The US sanctions voted on by Congress against Russia are outrageous and an act of war that history will write as this may have been the line in the sand crossed by the USA to punish Russia for Hillary’s loss. Clearly, the new sanctions have important implications for Europe because they target any company that contributes […]

North Korea – Beware August 2017

August 9, 2017

  I have warned in the Cycle of War reports that for whatever reason, August is always the number one period where war tends to begin. Indeed, the world is holding its breath as fears rise with the crisis over North Korea potentially escalating in to global war after Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un made threats […]

The New Russian Conspiracy – Moving the North Pole to Freeze Europe

August 9, 2017

Believe it or not, the latest conspiracy brewing is that the Russians not only defeated Hillary, they have figured out how to shift the planet and weather and have manipulated the planet so that the North Pole is headed to London to freeze Europe. Clever those Russians figured a way to force Europeans to buy […]

North Korea & Pushing the Button

August 9, 2017

  The United States for the first time in a very long time, won a major victory in the United Nations.  The Security Counsel unanimously approved sanctions against North Korea. Typically, Russia and China have opposed to such sanctions in the past. This is demonstrating that the North Korean problem is serious. Despite all the doom and […]

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