All posts in "News"

Market Talk – May 25th, 2017

May 25, 2017

Core Asia opened on a positive note following constructive observations from the FED minutes, the addition of apparent OPEC commitments and the lack of market reaction following Moody’s downgrade of China sovereign. Ahead of the long weekend scheduled in the US, the enthusiasm to invest appears positive even as we chase market sentiment. Have we […]

Frankfurt Euro Seminar July 22nd, 2017

May 25, 2017

We will be posting the links for the ticket and the price. This is a half-day session to keep the costs down so we do not need to supply lunch. The conferences like the WEC are expensive for they are always held in 5 star places and include the cost of food and open bars […]

Fed Rates & Minutes

May 25, 2017

Minutes from the Fed’s May policy meeting showed board members thought that if jobs growth remains healthy with a rebound in investment and consumer spending then rates could rise “soon”, which many took to mean June. The economy has shown some signs of weakness, the Fed still thinks its broad strength would justify winding down […]

US Pension Crisis Picking Up Full Speed

May 25, 2017

The Pension Crisis is serious and is the catalyst that will bring everything down. Nearly 600 State & Local governments are now in the hole and has reached nearly $1.2 trillion of unfunded pension liabilities in FY 2014. This reflects total pension liabilities of $4.798 trillion and total pension assets (or fiduciary net position) of $3.607 […]

Market Talk – May 24th, 2017

May 24, 2017

Core Asian markets closed mostly lower after early gains were reversed. Volumes were thin in todays session as G7, OPEC and discussions around the Federal Reserves next move on rates. Oil drifted lower in Asia as President Trump completed his trip and was about to fly to meet the Pope. Thursday OPEC meeting is expecting cuts […]

How to Trade a Vertical Market

May 24, 2017

By Popular Request, I will put down the instructions I gave on How To Trade A Vertical Market in a small written report and send that out next week to all those who attended the Hong Kong 2017 WEC. Once again I want to thank everyone for a great conference. It is always such a […]

New Argument to Raise Rates – Rent Inflation!

May 24, 2017

There are those in the Fed who are desperate to find an excuse to raise interest rates. The one being bantered about is the Fed needs to raise rates to help the poor. Yes – you heard correctly. To protect the poorest Americans, the argument is that the Fed needs to raise interest rates faster […]

Impeachment Movement

May 24, 2017

The all out war going on in Washington is to get rid of Trump to prevent him from “draining the swamp” and to stop any tax reform or reform of the Deep State. At this point anyone can say whatever they want and the press as well as Congress will take it as absolute Truth. […]

Fines – Civil Asset Forfeitures – Taxes

May 23, 2017

When I was a kid, most police were kind, respectful, and actually there to protect society. Sure, there was some towns that were just greedy. My father took a local post as a judge in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. It was the politicians who told him they want the maximum fine for everything. My father refused […]

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