All posts in "News"

Emerging Market Debt Expanding Twice the Rate of 2016

May 9, 2017

The view that BREXIT is a creating uncertainty in Europe with the swell of populism, the demand for dollar denominated debt has been strong over the past year. This has led to more debt being racked up at a faster pace than ever in US dollars among emerging markets, which stood at about 50% of […]

Socrates Standard Level Now Open to North America $14.99 per month With Private Blog

May 9, 2017

  The world keeps changing and the credit card companies regard subscriptions to be high risk for apparently some small operations charged a subscription and then closed their doors. The credit card companies had to refund the money. So their new criteria is monthly payments. We had to revise our entire system to comply with […]

Market Talk- May 8th, 2017

May 8, 2017

With Japan returning to the market place after the three day Golden Week holidays and the seeming calming settlement for Europe after the Macron win in France the Nikkei returned +2.3% in todays trading. Early Asian trading saw the Euro move into the 110 handle but could not hold gains even for the Asian close. All the talk […]

The Dollar Remains King

May 8, 2017

QUESTION:  Hi, I’ve read your blog for a couple of months now and it clearly opened my eyes. But I’m wondering if I’m getting crazy now.. I can see a pattern between rising Chinese yields (despite weaker growth), parked Chinese money in the Canadian & Australian housing bubble, plunging commodities (very bad for Australian and […]

Why Central Banks & Buying Equities

May 8, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is the Swiss Central Bank buying American equities? On the one hand you would think it is manipulation, but on the other, why manipulate the US share market? Any clue since you have met with them directly? LW ANSWER: I wrote about that explaining that the central banks have been buying […]

The French Elections – What Now?

May 8, 2017

Macron won about 65% to Le Pen 35%. Even Obama came out in support of Macron which obviously confirms Macron is the supporter of the establishment – not change. The bias of the global press is clear in their labels. They label Emmanuel Macron as the “independent centrist” and Marine Le Pen as the “far-right” as […]

Macron’s Victory at 65% is Part I – Part II Parliament Elections in June

May 7, 2017

Le Pen conceded but will lead her Party in the Parliamentary elections next month. Macron paid a token gesture saying he understands the anger of 35% of the people who voted for Le Pen. Nevertheless, while the mainstream parties collapsed in France warning that the entire population really voted against the establishment, the sad part […]

2017 Cycle of War – Third in the Series

May 7, 2017

This 2017 edition of the Cycle of War is the third in a series. This one is focused upon the Civil Unrest and how this is the source of Revolution. This turning point in the Cycle of War we have warned was the convergence of both International War and Civil Unrest. This edition will be […]

Obama Tells French to Vote for Macron Proving He is Establishment Doing What He Accused Putin of Supporting Le Pen and Trump

May 7, 2017 Obama Intervenes in French election proving Macron is an establishment and represents no change for France thereby sealing its doom. Of course, Obama is doing exactly what they say he and his mainstream media backers say Putin is doing – trying to influence the French election. Obama intervened in the British Referendum telling the […]

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