All posts in "News"

Vacation Real Estate – Always at the Bottom of the List

April 6, 2017

QUESTION: I understand that when people lose confidence in government that equities, precious metals and real estate will rise in value. Looking at real estate, will vacation rental properties also rise in value? RM ANSWER: Generally speaking, vacation properties will not fair as well as basic properties in a reset only because people contract in their […]

Market Talk- April 5th, 2017

April 5, 2017

After two days of national holidays, the main Shanghai index opened with strong buying demand with many anticipating positive comments when President Xi Jinping meets President Trump in Florida on Thursday. The Hang Seng also closed positive (+0.6%) but nowhere near the +1.5% seen for Shanghai. In Japan, the Nikkei recorded a higher close but […]

If We Know What’s Coming Then We Are Not Sucker-Punched

April 5, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, on the one hand you are pessimistic, but on the other you are very optimistic. Many of these analysts just say everything is going to hell from currency to stock markets.  Do we survive? Which camp are you really in? BK ANSWER: You do not change unless you have no choice. Only […]

The Conflict of Law – USA/England v Europe

April 5, 2017

  COMMENT: I believe you are wrong about the meaning of natural born citizen in you blog Does it Matter If You Are Born Outside USA to be President? You are a natural born citizen only if BOTH parents are citizens. REPLY: The site you refer to notes the definition which comes from Emer de Vattel (1714 […]

Market Talk- April 4th, 2017

April 4, 2017

Core Asian markets seemed to be dragged lower by the weight of the Nikkei today as Yen buying returned. Always difficult to gauge sentiment when half the core markets are closed (Shanghai, Hang Seng, India). so many focused on the RBA rhetoric and watched currencies more than equity indices. The yen again attempted to breach […]

How to Fix Gov’t in 30 days or less & Why do Smart People Avoid Gov’t

April 4, 2017

QUESTION:  You once said you could fix the mess in 30 days or less but they would assassinate you. How can you ever make our politicians responsible? My second question is, why are the really smart people not running government? KW ANSWER: The term limits are mandatory, but you have to cut off the incentive […]

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

April 4, 2017

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this for months now. The Daily Caller now is reporting that former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is talking saying that Susan Rice ordered the spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of all […]

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