All posts in "News"

Are They Planning to call The Election a Fraud if Trump Wins?

October 3, 2016

  There is a very interesting rumor from behind the curtain. What they are concerned about is that Trump has raised more from small donors under $200 than any previous Republican in history. Even John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012 collected less than $64 million. They are concerned that more small people are […]

Understanding Deutsche Bank’s Possible Bail-in

October 3, 2016

Chancellor Merkel cannot afford to bailout Deutsche Bank from the point of view of a conflict perspective within the EU since she has taken such and intolerable hard line in the Italian bank rescue not to mention Greece. Merkel fails to understand that the very pretense of government was to protect the people. Taking their savings […]

5th Car Bomb Explodes in 2 Days in Spain

October 3, 2016

The expansion of terrorism in Europe is really becoming widespread. This does not look good as we move forward. Unfortunately, our Cycle of War Model we warned began to turn up in 2014 is still far from reaching a peak. The fifth car bomb in just two days has exploded in the northern Spanish city […]

Romans Landed in America and Sent Ambassadors to China

October 2, 2016

History is being rewritten all the time for the timeline of the past is far from definitive. Ancient Roman Coins issued under Constantine I the Great have been excavated from the ruins of a castle in Uruma, located in Okinawa Prefecture., This is the first such discovery made in Japan of Roman coins. Four copper coins […]

Sears – What Comes Next?

October 2, 2016

Sears, Roebuck & Co. is an American department store that was founded by Richard Warren Sears and Alvah Curtis Roebuck back in 1886. It was based originally in Chicago and it gave birth to the mail order industry. It was the Amazon of the 19th century. Sears issued catalogs that were distributed throughout the country […]

Did the Fed Really Say they Could Buy Stocks?

October 1, 2016

The Fed told Congress it would buy stocks if Congress allowed it. This statement has caused a lot of people to scratch their heads. Will this cause all the stock bears to rethink their prognostications of a major stock market crash? This was not even on the radar of most people. Some have reported this […]

The Press Conspiracy Against Trump Continues

October 1, 2016

CNBC came out and said it is breaking its non-endorsement policy to say Trump is unfit. While the press should never endorse anyone, this election is revealing just how corrupt the press really is. They are conspiring against the people, if not the entire world, to maintain politics as-is. Yahoo reported, “Getty Images Investor Howard Marks […]

Market Talk – September 30, 2016

September 30, 2016

The one thing that markets do not like is uncertainty and that is exactly what we have suffered from the past couple of days. Asia reacted to the Deutsche Bank news with heavy selling despite better than expected numbers from Japan and in late trading the futures have responded yet again. Having lost 1.9% in […]

Financial Capitol of the World & Its Migration

September 30, 2016

QUESTION: I am a great admirer of your Socrates model, but there’s one thing in your personal pronouncements that seem to contain a contradiction. On the one hand you are predicting a decline of the U.S.A. and other western economies, mainly caused by excessive government interference in the economy. However, on the other hand you […]

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