All posts in "News"

Sometimes You Just Have to Go With the Flow When Nothing Flows

June 17, 2016

The central banks are clueless and have no control over the economy. This whole thing reminds me of Australia. I loved going into the Outback, driving through rivers, and seeing ant hills that were taller than the Jeep. I was invited to go to the Todd River Regatta in the middle of the desert. I […]

Tariffs – Labor – Consumer

June 17, 2016

QUESTION: If Donald trump issues a tariff on countries like china will that cause the price of goods from china to go up in price?? Also is he correct by saying it will bring jobs back to the united states by doing this? Would overall implementing a tariff be a good thing or is it a […]

Hillary Clinton – “Crisis of Character”

June 17, 2016

More people are writing books about the Clintons to expose their corruption than any other president or presidential candidate in history. While Bill has dominated if not set a record for sexual scandals, it has been Hillary who dominates all the financial scandals. That really says something for a first lady – no first lady […]

British MP Assassinated as Tensions Rise over BREXIT

June 16, 2016

British Labour politician Jo Cox, who was against BREXIT, has been assassinated. A gun-wielding man fired twice, and kicked her as she was lying on the floor while shouting “Britain first!” This is warning what our computer has been projecting; if the BREXIT vote fails, there will be a serious rise in violence in Britain. We will […]

Wayne Swan Rewrites History to Support Living Off of Other People’s Money

June 16, 2016

It is truly amazing how biased socialists are to the point that they just want to rob anyone who has more than they do and rewrite history to further their political agenda. Wayne Swan, former deputy prime minister of Australia, wrote a political piece for the Guardian that is total rubbish with the heading: “Cutting corporate tax won’t create jobs. […]

The Accountability Act

June 16, 2016

A lot of people have asked what my platform would be if I ran for president. Aside from eliminating the income tax and imposing term limits upon Congress (one time and you are out), I would champion the Accountability Act. The Inspector General’s report clearly shows Hillary should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 2071, […]

Russia Has Hillary’s Emails & Hacked Democrat’s Server

June 15, 2016

Russia has reportedly hacked Hillary’s server. The energy magazine reported that Russian intelligence informed Western intelligence agencies that the government in Moscow is now planning to publish the emails from Hillary Clinton. If this proves to be true, then this will confirm that she placed national security second to her personal self-interest. The emails are widely expected to reveal how […]

Department of Labor Changes Interpretation of Act to Raise Minimum Wages

June 15, 2016

The U.S. Department of Labor, acting on a directive of President Obama issued back in March 2014, has announced changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Beginning this fall, the act will basically double the amount of money workers must make to be exempt from federal overtime pay requirements. Essentially, employees with gross salaries […]

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