All posts in "News"

Bavarian Banks Not Depositing Money at ECB

March 6, 2016

Bavarian banks have figured out that negative interest rates are insane. They must pay the ECB to hold their cash. They have decided it is better to store their cash and eliminate deposits at the ECB as reported by Spiegel Online. These people are just braindead. They think negative interest rates will somehow “stimulate” the […]

Lagarde – Wants to Raise Retirement Age & Taxes

March 6, 2016

Christine Lagarde remained at the IMF and one of three Troika members because she is a Socialist and on board with both raising retirement ages to cheat people out of what they planned and to raise taxes while closing all borders to the movement of capital. She is also pushing behind the curtain for the […]

Romney Trying to Run as a Savior? Obama Says Trump Will Not Be President

March 5, 2016

  Rubio does not seem to have what it takes for the nomination. He will be a nice puppet like George Bush Jr and Obama doing whatever the unelected government tells him to do. Cruz is not very well liked behind the curtain and injects too much religion for a national office. So what is […]

California Earthquake Due

March 5, 2016

  We are entering a period of an increased risk in earthquakes appearing in California. This begins here in March 2016.

China’s Deserts Expanding

March 5, 2016

According to statistics released by the State Forestry Administration, China has 2.6 million square km of desert that accounts for 27 percent of the country’s total land area. The desert areas are scattered among 12 provincial-level regions in north China. There is a serious problem on the horizon for China. Following the creation of the People’s […]

Market Talk – March 4th, 2016

March 5, 2016

“A confident close for the week” that was how one trader expressed the Asian markets today. A good solid recovery, from the morning sessions, ahead of the weekend and also the NFP. The PBOC fixed the Yuan rate at  6.5284 which was slightly firmer against the USD compared to Thursday’s fix (6.5412). A dramatic dip in the Shanghai index […]

Hollande Objects to Any Special Deal for Britain to Stay in EU

March 4, 2016

Sometimes you really have to ask: Is French President Francois Hollande simply clueless? At a European Union summit, Hollande said he opposes Britain’s demands for special treatment for its financial markets as a way to keep Britain in the bloc. Hollande has bluntly said that Britain cannot veto what happens in the Eurozone. Hollande’s socialist agenda will […]

Germany on the Threshold of an Unprecedented Radicalization

March 4, 2016

The president of the German secret service, Hans-Georg Maassen, has come out and warned that the uncontrolled immigration has created a serious safety risk to Germany because the authorities no longer know who is in the country. If people think U.S. politics are going in the gutter, look at Germany where politicians have created a […]

Jewish Bankers vs. All Bankers

March 4, 2016

Since Jews founded Goldman Sachs, some people assume that qualifies it as a Jewish bank, which makes it evil. I think it should be pointed out that Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs who became Secretary of the Treasury under Bush, I believe deliberately allowed Lehman and Bear Stearns (two of the five main investment banks) […]

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