All posts in "News"

Is the World Political Economy Melting Down?

September 21, 2016

Many people have asked are we collapsing as did Rome? The answer is absolutely YES. Like Rome, the state always turns against its people as its need for money always expands. Like the Romans, we have lost our independence, our integrity, and our freedom. The world political economy is melting down before our eyes as […]

Market Talk – September 20, 2016

September 20, 2016

Most markets were in a holding pattern awaiting the outcome of central bank decisions. The Nikkei faltered initially but was short-lived as by the end of the day we closed almost unchanged. The BOJ decision expected within the next 24 hours could direct trading for the next few months. Most are looking for additional stimulus […]

Terrorism Turning to Knives, Axes & Machete rather than Suicide Bombings

September 20, 2016

The rise of militant terrorists home-grown is much greater than people realize. No gun control will stop them because the knife, hatchet and machete have begun to replace suicide bombings. It is taking place even in Canada. A man with a machete attacked police in a shopping mall in Calgary. There was the July 18th, 2016 attack […]

Canada’s Household Debt Exceeds Total GDP for First Time

September 20, 2016

For the first time in history, the total private debt of the Canadian public has exceeded the total national Gross Domestic Product (GDP) after reaching 100.7%. This is significantly higher than in the United States, which has been declining since 2008. Household debt in the United States is now under 80% of GDP. Clearly, Canada’s […]

Market Talk – September 19, 2016

September 19, 2016

As China opened after a long weekend, so it was that Japan was closed for national holiday (Respect for the Aged Day). There was also a computer issue in Australia that resulted in the ASX closing early. Ahead of both the FED and BOJ this week could be interesting. China added more liquidity over the weekend which set the […]

Hillary’s Parkinson’s Disease is Why She Will not do Press Conferences

September 19, 2016

  More and more talk from behind the curtain is very concerned that Hillary indeed has Parkinson’s disease and this is why she is not having press conferences because she cannot handle multiple questions being hurled at her simultaneously. She needs help climbing stairs and is showing clear signs of tremors. This video is done […]

Terrorism strikes in Kashmir & New York City

September 18, 2016

We have terrorist attacks in Kashmir against the military and what may prove to be a home-grown terrorist attack using pressure cookers in New York City, similar to Boston. Unfortunately, as we move into 2018, we should expect terrorism to escalate, especially in Europe. However, terrorism based upon religion should be on the rise.

Fuldaer Zeitung: “When increasing money supply causes deflation”

September 18, 2016

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I read your piece published in the German Press Fuldaer Zeitung yesterday how “When increasing money supply causes deflation”. Thank you so much for publishing in the German media. This has opened my eyes to why we continue to decline into deflation. This proves the old saying a prophet is never recognized in […]

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