All posts in "News"

Market Talk – September 12, 2016

September 12, 2016

Asia started off where we left the US on Friday with the selling pressure still dominant. The Nikkei cash opened down over 1% lower and did not look likely to break that decline at any time during the trading session. Eventually closing 1.7% lower the JPY saw the safety rush but interestingly not as dramatic […]

Dow Down this Week with Hillary & Rate Hikes

September 12, 2016

We should see a new low this week in the share markets as concern over a rate hike hits the markets globally coming from the Fed and Hillary they have finally said on Sunday has pneumonia. We will provide the timing arrays for this week on the Private Blog for client eyes only.

Hunt for Cash – Vancouver Airport Seized $18.7 million from Travelers

September 12, 2016

Over the past 3 years, Vancouver has seized at its airport $18.7 million in undeclared cash of which 70% has been from Chinese. The hunt for money is really outrageous that it is all about taxes and our property rights have been lost. All governments are acting like common criminals robbing people of their property claiming […]

Bankers Laid off 100,000 so far

September 11, 2016

The numbers are in. Banking as indeed seen its peak. Banks in Europe and the US have dismissed 100,000 people last year, the bulk after 2015.75 . The decline is just starting. We are even witnessing the decline in bank employment now in China as well. The high flying jobs in banking have seen their best […]

European Companies Scrambling to Issue Debt

September 11, 2016

With the ECB expanding its quantitative easing program to include corporate debt, European companies are now scrambling to issue as much debt as they can as cheap rates. These issue are selling BECAUSE it is assumed they have a guaranteed bidder being the ECB. At least this part of the QE is far better than […]

WEC November 10th to 13th – We Added 50 Seats

September 10, 2016

For the General Public WEC, we sold out as usual. We have worked it out to add another 50 seats. The computer is managing this booking so I have not been on top of availability, I apologize. I have been busy programming and did not pay attention to this since it has been automated this […]

The Week in Review for the Dow

September 10, 2016

Well the week after Labor Day has lived up to its reputation. The Dow crashed on time, but the burning question is – will it follow-through? The Dow peaked on the 6th following Monday’s closing. It elected the first Daily Bearish Reversal on the 7th when it closed by 18533. Obviously, we did elect the […]

Hillary maybe Just What the Model Needs to Finish off the Economy

September 10, 2016

A Hillary presidency should be the best possible outcome for the markets since they should then begin to reflect what happens when you completely undermine confidence in government. Hillary holds first place in the poll for the perceived most dishonest presidential candidate ever to run. There will be an endless row of new scandals and how […]

The Federal Reserve’s Structural Changes

September 10, 2016

  QUESTION: Why are there so many Fed branches? It seems this is another way for government just to create jobs and pensions. ANSWER:I wrote several times that the original design of the Federal Reserve would have been a good, stabilizing entity for the economy had the politicians left it alone. At first, to ease […]

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