All posts in "News"

The Republican Convention in Review

July 22, 2016

Those in the establishment are truly beside themselves. People like Jon Stewart are bashing Trump supporters saying, “You Don’t Own America,” which means only one thing — shut up and let the rest of us control government as we always have. The Trump supporters are the main backbone of America who have been ignored, lied to, and abused in […]

French Parliament – Nullified – Get Ready for More Civil Unrest

July 22, 2016

After months of controversy over the labor market reform that was designed to end excessive socialism in France, the French Government has bypassed the final vote in Parliament altogether. Given the resistance in his own camp, Hollande and the Prime Minister Manuel Valls in the National Assembly are using a special rule that allows them […]

Losing Sleep Over Banks

July 22, 2016

QUESTION: Hello Martin, If i have exposure to various banking counterparties in europe – what do i do from running a fund mgmt business as i m a bearish on banks….but i cant shut my business as i m fearful of banks…..what do you advise….how can one hedge or think about getting away from this […]

Market Talk — July 21, 2016

July 21, 2016

Talk that the BOJ was preparing even more stimulus to be announced at next weeks central bank meeting certainly helped the Nikkei and also sentiment for most core Asian exchanges. After yesterdays 13% fall in Nintendo shares today was reasonably quiet closing just 0.8% higher on the day. The Shanghai and Hang Seng indices were […]

Draghi Has Lost It Completely

July 21, 2016

The European Central Bank (ECB) announced it will decide in the coming months whether monetary policy should be eased any further. Clearly, Draghi is completely losing control for he cannot entertain the remote possibility that negative interest rates will only cause hoarding and capital flight, and not stimulation. People only borrow when they see an […]

Party Politics – Insanity

July 21, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; I see these people ranting about Trump and how outraged they are. They seem to have no problem with the outrageous amount of lies Hillary has carried out or the fact that the bankers only donated to Hillary. They seem to be mindless and beyond rational claiming he is proposing that we build a wall […]

More than Just Buy or Sell – The World Beyond

July 21, 2016

Visiting the Jail Cell Where Socrates Died COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Just spent the night in the ER with one of my kids. Waited hours for the results of the CT head scan. Thankfully, my daughter is fine. Had lots of time to think though. I have been following your blog for years, although I am […]


July 21, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Comey kept you in prison without any charges under the pretense of contempt. Then he supported a lifetime gag order on you to prevent you from ever helping the Japanese against HSBC, which is notorious for laundering money. Well Comey was also a board member of HSBC whose clients also contributed more […]

Is Front Running Now a Crime?

July 21, 2016

The US Department of Justice has arrested Mark Johnson, who was the global head of foreign exchange trading at HSBC, and a former colleague, Stuart Scott. The two traders were accused by the US government of using inside information to profit from a $3.5bn currency deal. Of course, inside trading only is a crime in […]

Obama on Baton Rouge

July 20, 2016

The deliberate killing of police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana has been the subject of much propaganda. President Obama did not address what is obvious to everyone and tried to cover up the root cause behind this new wave of violence. “There is no justification for violence against law enforcement. None.” Obama said. “These attacks are the […]

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