All posts in "News"

Taxation Without Representation or Even Residency

July 18, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; The taxation of the internet seems to be rising. At the same time it appears as though this could really harm the economy by reducing competitiveness of small companies trying to comply with collecting taxes of so many different states. Have you looked at this as a possible factor in creating the […]

The EU Commission Knew All Along About Cheating on Emissions Values of Diesel Vehicles

July 17, 2016

The German journal SPIEGEL has reported that at least since 2010, the European Commission has known about the automobile manufacturers cheating on emissions values for diesel vehicles. SPIEGEL obtained internal documents that establish that despite the claims of global warming, officials have known the whole time what was going on. “The papers show that emissions […]


July 17, 2016

QUESTION: What do I need to read to understand the basics about your models, and being able to use this? I’m very interested in using your models to guide me better in my investing. ANSWER: Start with the “Models & Methodologies.” We do provide a lot of study material under MODELS.


July 17, 2016

COMMENT:  Just been the Que.for over 3hours Charles de Gaulle coming from North America I have a EU passport and even that could not help You are right Schengan looks like its on its way out Absolute chaos !!! Cheers

French Mayor Will Now Tear Down The Refugee Camp known as the “Jungle”

July 16, 2016

It has begun. The French port town of Calais will soon tear down the refugee camp known as the “Jungle,” says town’s mayor. He wants all migrants to be sent to Britain and out of his town. This is a radical step to expel the 6,000 asylum seekers currently living there who want to go to Britain. Since […]

French Pay $14,500 Per Month for Hollande to Get His Hair Cut

July 16, 2016

Hollande is a socialist to the core; he claimed to hate the rich, yet spends taxpayers’ money like nobody else. He spends $14,500 per month for haircuts. Sorry, but they charge me $15 for a haircut and I give a $5 tip twice a month. I cannot imagine anyone ever spending that much to have their […]

Bank Runs in Turkey

July 15, 2016

COMMENT: Hi Marty, I am in line with folks emptying ATMs in Turkey during a military coup attempt. I can keep you updated. CI REPLY: Human Nature is the same all over the world

Military Coup Unfolding in Turkey

July 15, 2016

There is a military coup attempt to seize power from Erdogan, who may be the most unpopular head of state ever to hold office. Low flying jets and gunfire have been taking place in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul are closed. We are hearing reports from clients there in Turkey.

Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Revolts Against Merkel & Draghi

July 15, 2016

The new British Finance Minister Philip Hammond was appointed as Chancellor of the Exchequer on July 13, 2016. Hammond is a welcome relief and has come out openly to question the policies of Draghi and Merkel. “The markets need calming signals. You need to know that we will do everything necessary to keep on track the […]

May Becomes PM in Britain & Boris Becomes Foreign Secretary

July 15, 2016

Theresa May became the new Prime Minister of Britain on Wednesday and formally met with the Queen to ask permission to lead her government. May is now embracing BREXIT as such members are dominating her cabinet and on top of that, May made the main Brexit campaigner Boris Johnson her foreign secretary. May is positioning […]

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