All posts in "News"

Market Talk — May 12, 2016

May 12, 2016

With the US markets having provided the momentum for the opening it was not surprising that Asian equity markets opened with a reluctant bid. Earlier in the day we had heard from the IEA regarding oil supplies and although this was still a discussion point in Tokyo it needed additional enthuses to lift markets higher. This was eventually found in the JPY […]

New Jersey to Follow Illinois Down the Drain

May 12, 2016

The New Jersey State Assembly has begun the pursuit of a constitutional amendment to guarantee pension payments for government workers over all other types of state spending. This would naturally include all politicians, which is why they are introducing it. Because spending on education, health, crime, environment, welfare etc. is not guaranteed by the Constitution […]

Sanders for Trump’s Vice President

May 12, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, who would you recommend Trump asks to be his Vice President? ANSWER: If I were Trump, I would ask Bernie Sanders to be vice president and really stir the pot. The two have one major thing in common: Goldman Sachs says they are dangerous. Hillary can claim she is the only one with […]

Market Talk – May 11th, 2016

May 11, 2016

A positive opening for the Nikkei, trading up +1% at the opening bell but sadly could not hold onto the gains and we eventually closed little changed on the day. The Hang Seng was the poor performer closing down almost 1% whilst Shanghai was a touch better. Asia really had little top topics but we […]

German Flirting Courses for Refugees to Get Lucky

May 11, 2016

Well, when a politician refuses to admit she made a mistake, what do you do? You go all the way. Believe it or not, Germany is creating flirting courses to help refugee men get lucky. Yes, taxpayer money is now being used to get the refugees lucky with German girls. So if you thought you […]

When Will Greece Elect a Real Government?

May 11, 2016

Protests broke out in Greece over the weekend in Athens and the northern city of Thessaloniki. The government is yielding to Brussels and has not figured out that this policy is destroying its own people and their future. The government passed reforms that they hope will persuade lenders to release more financial aid. They are cutting […]

Trouble in Saudi Arabia

May 11, 2016

Political instability is rising in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi king has fired his longtime Secretary of Energy and the head of the central bank has been replaced. The royal family is now fighting to sustain power. The fall in the price of oil is having a political impact within the power structure of Saudi Arabia. Eventually, […]

Market Talk — May 10, 2016

May 10, 2016

It was a solid day all around the globe which was a little surprising given most markets backed away from yesterday’s gains late in the day. China’s data was marginal given what had been expected, but the positive momentum, strong oil, and a reviving commodity sector made everything feels sunny again. The Nikkei has recovered […]

Dollar & Euro

May 10, 2016

We have issued a special report for the Euro & the US Dollar Index. A special report on the fate of the dollar and the euro is now available. This 61-page report provides the long-term view for the dollar and euro going into 2020. Since this key element is central to all other markets, this […]

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