All posts in "Armstrong"

Market Talk- September 13, 2017

September 13, 2017

Having seen the US markets close on a high note Asia saw a little nerves appear at the opening but at least we are back to focusing on markets rather than having to price-in geopolitical risks. It was the Nikkei again that returned the best of the core (+0.5%) and this time with the currency […]

Global Warming & Storms

September 13, 2017

While some of the news coverage was interjecting global warming as the cause of the storm, in fact it tends to work in the opposite direction. This has been a sharply declining period of temperature. I wrote about how this was the year without an Arctic Summer.  This has been the coldest summer in Europe and even […]

The Coming One World Currency

September 13, 2017

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I sure would appreciate any thoughts you have on rumors making the rounds that the International Monetary Fund has tipped its hand, in part via its June 2017 “Fintech and Financial Services: Initial Considerations” IMF Discussion Note, and intends to replace the US Dollar as the global reserve currency as early as […]

News & Exaggerating The Storm Coverage

September 13, 2017

The devastation in the Florida Keys and in the Caribbean Islands has one thing in common. Those houses constructed in wood frames cannot withstand even a Category 3 storm no less a Category 5. To understand the disaster, we have to face the fact that construction standards are critical. Wood houses should be prohibited and […]

Market Talk- September 12th, 2017

September 12, 2017

As the DXY continued its bounce, so Asian currencies returned their recent gains with the most noticeable move being in the Japanese yen. The currency in late US trading is seen with a 110 handle a decline of 0.6% on the day. The declines were counter-balanced by stocks that all rallied with the Nikkei 1.2% […]

Legal Tender Money v Fiat

September 12, 2017

QUESTION:  I wonder if you would care in a future blogpost to cast some light on the following? The sole ‘legal tender money’ in the final analysis is the FRN (Federal Reserve Note — coins aside) collateralized by the Fed’s assets.All other ‘money’ is private bank credit money or suchlike,including Money Market Funds and other […]

Am I Certain About the Strong Dollar?

September 12, 2017

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I have been reading your blog for over a year now. Your posts are a superb read and one of the first things I check every morning before leaving for work! Although I admire your work and writings a great deal, I’m sometimes surprised by the level of certainty you seem […]

Reality of the Dollar

September 12, 2017

QUESTION: Hello Mr Armstrong. I understand the logic of the weakness / strength of currency that you outline from time to time in your modelling of the global crisis. You omit to explain the importance in the pace of change in the value of a currency; for instance Venezuela and Argentina according to your explanation […]

Market Talk- September 11, 2017

September 11, 2017

With no missile test Saturday or new geopolitical news over the weekend, Asian stocks opened on a positive note. The Chinese central bank loosened some financial restrictions which also added to the positivity for both domestic and regional markets, combined to support all markets. The central bank move opens the market slightly, returning responsibility to […]

Hackers Break Into Equifax – Big Time!

September 11, 2017

Welcome to the reality of the Digital World and there are those in government who want to eliminate cash and force everyone into electronic deposits. Well the new data breach at credit bureau Equifax appears to have affected up to 143 million people. On top of that, Equifax has been slow to deal with the issue. […]

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