All posts in "Armstrong"

The Target Week of 9/11 Storms to North Korea

September 11, 2017

Tampa 1921 QUESTION: Marty, You said in Orlando last year you ran your models on where to locate in Florida and said a big one was due in 2017. Now with your target coming into play for the week of 9/11 and the storm about to hit your area, do you think this target of 9/11 […]

Price Gouging in Emergencies

September 11, 2017

There are a lot of people claiming that price gouging should be criminal. What they fail to take into consideration is that price gouging is the only way to really allocate resources. The critics will claim that this is people taking advantage of others. However, gasoline prices were fixed and what happened was that everyone […]

Socrates is Up but Irma Has Impacted Our Independent Data Feed

September 10, 2017

While Socrates is not located in Florida and all our sites are also not dependent upon one location, unfortunately, one of our data provider operates on servers in Boca Raton, Florida. They obviously do not have backups out of the region and the power is down. The Socrates site is up as is our blog. […]

Contempt & the Rule of Law – You Have ZERO Rights!!!!!

September 10, 2017

We are supposed to live in a free society, but we do not. A federal judge claims the same power as the former king and he can sentence you to die in prison without a lawyer, trial, or even a charge. The majority of Federal judges are the most ruthless people you will ever encounter. […]

The Dow – To Correct or Not?

September 10, 2017

QUESTION: Hello Martin, last week i read on your blog about possible fall in Dow Jones, you said it’s possible that we could see biggest fall ever and that should start this September but today you sad you don’t expect major correction. I’m sure there are many readers on your blog who are confused about this topic […]

Why Socrates?

September 9, 2017

Visiting Socrates’ Jail Cell COMMENT:  Dear Martin, I was watching a documentary about the making of Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ the other night, and the first name considered for the HAL 9000 computer was ‘Socrates’. Interesting! Regards, N. REPLY: Interesting. I choose Socrates because he was the smartest man in Greece, but he did […]

The Long-term Cycle of Monetary Crisis

September 9, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have been following you for all my adult life and that has exceeded 20 years by now and am shocked to say, I found your article on how things evolve GOLD-Oil-Dollar.  I must say this is a eye-opening evolution you are talking about. Has this always been the case with things […]

Irma – Yes All Staff Have Evacuated Florida

September 9, 2017

  All our staff have evacuated.  We were all under mandatory evacuation orders. So thank you for all the concern. Our decision to leave was primarily due to the fact that the storm shifted to the West and the likelihood of power outages potentially lasting days or weeks was the real deciding factor. Generators also […]

Market Talk- September 8th, 2017

September 8, 2017

Governments and central banks across the world are still concerned about the lack of inflation or significant growth and we saw evidence again in that today from the Japanese Q2 GDP release. Well below estimate of 4% this mornings release came in at 2.5%. Mario Draghi also commented on growth concerns in yesterdays ECB meeting […]

Why Governments Expand the Gap Between Rich and Poor

September 8, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You said at your Frankfurt the ECB policy of negative interest rates is actually creating a wider gap between the poor and the rich. Could you elaborate on that comment? Thank you. Hope you come back to Frankfurt. You do realize that you get twice the crowds here than anyone. OT ANSWER: Lowering […]

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