All posts in "Armstrong"

Macron’s Victory at 65% is Part I – Part II Parliament Elections in June

May 7, 2017

Le Pen conceded but will lead her Party in the Parliamentary elections next month. Macron paid a token gesture saying he understands the anger of 35% of the people who voted for Le Pen. Nevertheless, while the mainstream parties collapsed in France warning that the entire population really voted against the establishment, the sad part […]

2017 Cycle of War – Third in the Series

May 7, 2017

This 2017 edition of the Cycle of War is the third in a series. This one is focused upon the Civil Unrest and how this is the source of Revolution. This turning point in the Cycle of War we have warned was the convergence of both International War and Civil Unrest. This edition will be […]

Obama Tells French to Vote for Macron Proving He is Establishment Doing What He Accused Putin of Supporting Le Pen and Trump

May 7, 2017 Obama Intervenes in French election proving Macron is an establishment and represents no change for France thereby sealing its doom. Of course, Obama is doing exactly what they say he and his mainstream media backers say Putin is doing – trying to influence the French election. Obama intervened in the British Referendum telling the […]

California Wants to Tax Space Flights Per Mile They Travel

May 7, 2017

Believe it or not, the California Politicians & Regulators just spend all their time trying to figure out how to tax something new for they will never reform, it’s always give me more. California wants to collect taxes from space transportation companies based upon, get this, a formula of how frequent a company launches spacecrafts out of […]

Healthcare Still a Mess

May 7, 2017

QUESTION:  I read the Obamacare repeal blog. I agree with the tax part. But removing pre existing conditions and most of the coverage protections when majority of families in US is one disaster away from bankruptcy and dying without coverage. is that right? Thanks T ANSWER: No. There was a very simple solution. The healthcare […]

Macron Hacked – But it Looks Like Anti-Establishment Anti-Soros Movement

May 7, 2017

Emmanuel Macron and his staff were the target of a major co-ordinated computer hack on Friday night with only 48 hours before the election. This is similar to the cyberattacks that hit the Democratic Party during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign last year. Macron’s campaign announced Friday that tens of thousands of its internal emails and […]

Hunting Tourists in Europe for Fines

May 6, 2017

COMMENT: Hi Marty, The hunt for taxes is really getting out of control. I enjoyed a week of vacation in Italy and on my way back home I had a few hours to kill in Milan. So i decided to spend some time in the City center of Milan before leaving from Linate airport. I […]

Market Talk- May 5th, 2017

May 5, 2017

The continued decline in Metals, Energy and Commodities hit nerves and confidence today in Asian trading with Japan just finishing Golden Week (today was Children’s Day). Money has been leaving Asian markets all week but given their close ahead of the US NFP’s and French elections it is not really surprising. Oil traded down to […]

The Hunt for Taxes is Global

May 5, 2017

Taxes are the root of all evil for this is the confrontation against the people that historically leads to civil unrest and then revolution. The American and French Revolutions were over taxes. Historically, even the Roman Empire was forced from time to time to grant tax amnesty as was the case in 119AD. You even […]

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