All posts in "Armstrong"

Wikileaks’ Own People Say the Clintons are Partners in Crime

November 1, 2016

The Wikileaks email dump shows how corrupt the Clintons truly are. The headline for the Hill: “Clinton Foundation memo reveals Bill and Hillary as partners in crime” The degree of corruption is beyond belief. I knew a guy in prison who was released because his father paid $250,000 to the Clintons for a pardon. Everything […]

The ECM Turning Point

November 1, 2016

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I thought the Bundy thing was a stretch. The Comey incident blew me away. Putin invaded the very day of the ECM last year. There are way too may events right to the day and you can calculate this out and see why you even had the day of the 1987 Crash. […]

Did Michael Moore Endorse Trump Rather Amazingly?

November 1, 2016

Michael Moore supposed released a video where he states that since career politicians hate Trump, corporate America hates Trump, Wall Street hates trump, and the media hates Trump, this will be the biggest F–K YOU vote in history. It feels like revolution time at the polls, to say the least. Maybe the computer is right […]

Market Talk – October 31, 2016

October 31, 2016

An extremely quiet start to what has potential to be an explosive week. Asia was the first market to react to the FBI story that broke over the weekend and after the initial wobble all exchanges bounced to close moderately under Fridays closes. Data released today was not so promising with Industrial Output and Retails […]

Rudy Giuliani Explains Comey Told Congress Hillary did Commit a Crime

October 31, 2016

This is really not political. The statue involved only requires negligence, not intent. Comey before Congress told them (1) Hillary was grossly negligent and (2) she outright lied. I “believe” Comey’s hands were tied and he was not allowed to “recommend” an indictment of Hillary. So he told Congress using the very careful words of […]

Obama Blocks Comey to stop getting Search Warrant – Weiner Grants Waiver

October 31, 2016

Normally, for the FBI to get a search warrant it takes less than 1 hour. Obama and Lynch of the DOJ were blocking Comey and the FBI from getting search warrants to read the emails on Anthony Weiner’s computers. Then Clinton said put it all out now, while behind the scenes he was being deliberately […]

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