All posts in "Armstrong"

Dow for the Closing – May 6, 2016

May 6, 2016

In the Dow, we have technical support at 17573 and a Daily Bearish Reversal at 17568. At the time of this posting, the Dow is trading at 17633 and the low has been 17580. A closing beneath this level will warn we could see a decline into the week of the 16th. The primary Weekly […]

Apple & Reversals – Per-Click Payment Structure of Socrates

May 6, 2016

If I do not mention something on the blog, some people think it means I missed the move. Sorry, but this is not about me as an individual trying to forecast everything. Apple shares fell right down to the Bearish Reversals, which was a huge gap. They held and then bounced. My goal is to deliver […]

X-ray Eyes: Coming to a Store Near You

May 6, 2016

Are you ready for this one? Google was approved for a patent where they can remove the lenses in your eye, fill it with fluid, and then place a device in there. You will no longer need to wear glasses with the device, and you no longer need a camera since it comes equipped with a […]

The Electric Crisis in Europe

May 6, 2016

Many people do not realize that the global warming/climate change deals in Europe will eliminate gasoline and diesel cars on the streets come 2020. From Norway to India, the year 2020 will mark the end of petrol and diesel vehicles. This is part of the long-term bear market in energy. Germany wants to put at […]

Market Talk May 5th, 2016

May 5, 2016

A relatively quiet night in Asia with China PMI (51.8%) marginally under the April  52.2% reading. Although this had a short-term influence just ahead of lunch but it really did not alter the bounce and we closed the session marginally better. Hang Seng however, was lower on the day closing down 0.37%, which actually was not a bad […]

Euro Collapsing thanks to Another Brain-Dead EU Proposal

May 5, 2016

Merkel’s failed refugee policy is destroying the fabric of Europe and raising international concerns that Europeans may need visas because she has introduce the prospect of ISIS using Europe as a stepping stone to get into the USA. Now, Merkel’s policy is forcing other countries to take refugees. The European Commission now wants to compel […]

WEC Full Session

May 5, 2016

A number of people have been buying tickets to all three sessions of the 2016 World Economic Conferences. We did not have a payment option for that possibility. We have now created that function and processed a $500 refund to those who bought all the packages. This will include the Institutional dinner and the cocktail […]

Why the Quantity of Money Theory is DEAD Wrong

May 5, 2016

COMMENT: Bill Gross says you are wrong and helicopter money is coming and the Fed should print trillions to buy government bonds. Any comments? REPLY:Gross is not making a forecast without self-interest. Gross’ “helicopter money” calls for the Federal Reserve and U.S. Treasury to engage in another round of quantitative easing (QE) by printing trillions of […]

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