Private Blog Post for the Opening of Gold Next Week
March 26, 2016Private Blog Post Inside Socrates for Gold & Next Week’s Price Action
Private Blog Post Inside Socrates for Gold & Next Week’s Price Action
QUESTION: Marty, in the new Gold report on page 34 you state that the $1309 is the yearly number but you said “Therefore, we have two Weekly Bullish Reversals at 1272 and 1287.50 that may provide the resistance. A failure to close above these numbers the week of March 14, warns that what will not […]
QUESTION: Marty; It seems like government always has some covert agenda. The exposure of the FBI lying about being unable to hack the iPhone Apple is just typical. The global warming issue clearly seems to be a tax agenda. They taxed cigarettes saying they were trying to help society. When revenues declined, they want to […]
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the central banks have been lying to us to create a false sense of confidence in order to reverse the economy? Is this part of their agenda? Thank you UB ANSWER: It has always been a confidence game. Those in power are constantly trying to boost the confidence […]
Today is Good Friday which is a Christian religious holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. For those that haven’t thought about it the Crucifixion happened just after Passover. Jesus had come to Jerusalem for Passover. The last supper is believed to have a Passover connection. I was fortunate enough to […]
COMMENT: Marty; I do not know how you have accomplished creating your model with such extreme accuracy regarding numbers and time, but I do believe you have proven your point. To have a number in gold at 1044 and it stops at 1045 and then for the rally it stopped 30 cents from your weekly […]
The elitist press are starting to realize that they are the problem. “Trump voters are a coalition of the dispossessed. They have suffered lost jobs, lost wages, lost dreams. The American system is not working for them, so naturally they are looking for something else. Moreover, many in the media, especially me, did not understand how […]
The problem with politics, we do NOT get what we pay for. This is why career politicians just have to go. They are professional liars on both sides of the aisle.
The weak close in the US followed through into the open for Asia and we saw prices gap lower across the board. The Nikkei did attempt to break higher around lunch but was short-livid being dragged down by oil, yet again! Both Shanghai and Hang Seng closed around 1.5% lower as increased talk of US […]
Today will be the close for the week and this will be an important indicator. A closing in gold below 1237.50 will warn of weakness. We have important technical resistance at the 1245 level and a closing back below that breakout line will also warn that the upward momentum is starting to decline. Gold bounced […]