All posts in "Armstrong"

Outrageous Reports of Republicans Engaged in Voter Fraud to Stop Trump

March 3, 2016

Widespread polling booth and ballot malfunctions in several states bring into question the integrity of our voting system. By lunchtime on Super Tuesday, Election Protection, a nonpartisan coalition of groups that run election-day hotlines, said their hotline had received more than 1,000 calls. The majority of calls came from Alabama, Georgia, and Texas. Voters in Williamson County, Texas, […]

Market Talk March 2nd, 2016

March 2, 2016

Asian cash markets followed their positive futures run from US trading session was met with strong openings across the board. The PBOC set the Yuan exchange rate at 6.5490 and even a ratings down-grade of China could not stop a 4.2% higher close. The Nikkei was also up over 4% but we did see weakness from […]

Former UK Prime Minister Says Politics Has Changed

March 2, 2016

U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair has recognized something that those in office either do not see or refuse to admit. Blair said at the Abu Dhabi conference that Donald Trump’s wins in the U.S. primary elections are disturbing for they illustrate that there is a rising popularity of insurgent political movements around the world. The mismanagement of decades […]

Moody’s Warns of 30% Rise in Commodity Based Company Bankruptcies in 2016

March 2, 2016

The commodity industry is bracing for a high year of bankruptcy and default filings that will impact mining and metals along with oil and gas. Moody’s has also warned of global speculative-grade corporate defaults that will increase by more than 30% in 2016, reaching the highest level since 2009. Those interested in mining shares should […]

Moody’s Lowers Credit Rating of China to Negative from Stable

March 2, 2016

Moody’s lowered its outlook on China’s credit rating stable to negative. We have been warning that our models on China indicate that the bottom in the economy does not appear likely until 2020. This should be a 13-year contraction. So far, that forecast appears to be on target.

Australia Joins Crowd Advocating Electronic Money

March 2, 2016

The Central Bank of Australia, known as the Reserve Ban, has come out bluntly and stated that it is entirely possible that Australia will end physical notes and coins and move to digital currency. The Reserve Bank is joining a growing crowd of governments advocating electronic money to really increase tax collection.

The Unfolding Pension Crisis

March 2, 2016

Part of the collapse in confidence we are experiencing with government stems directly from the fact that politicians engage in far more criminal behavior than anyone in the corporate world. While bankers may manipulate markets to trade against clients, politicians just lie to keep their jobs. The fact that they are incapable of managing the […]

Super Tuesday Results – Looks Like Trump v Hillary

March 2, 2016

Trump took at least seven (possibly eight) states. Rubio won only Minnesota; Cruz won on religion, taking Texas and Oklahoma. If the people actually prevail, and that is a BIG “IF”, then it appears we will have Trump vs. Hillary. But the establishment Republicans do not appear to be willing to accept this result. Some […]

Super Tuesday & the Peak in Government 2015.75

March 2, 2016

On the Republican side, the ENTIRE establishment is against Trump. They do not want him in, regardless of the people’s vote. So while they pretend this is a Democracy, it is all about maintaining the status quo in Washington. The voters in all but Texas and Vermont in exit polls said they were mostly looking […]

Market Talk – March 1st, 2016

March 1, 2016

There were some big smiles across the faces of many equity traders today as we have seen some of the strongest markets gains in a while. The Nikkei closed +0.4% but could not match the performance of the Shanghai or Hang Seng Indices when they closed up at almost 2% on the day. We saw […]

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