After a successful Non-Farms number on Friday, Asia followed suit encouraged along by the US markets closing near their days highs. All core Asian indices followed but with the exception of the ASX (Australian exchange) which closed small lower as the currency made ground. The Nikkei made ground closing +0.35% higher but could have been […]
While the Democrats are chastising Trump for his travel ban twisting it into a ban on Muslims when we have Muslim staff who travel here freely without green cards, (we also have staff that are Black , Yellow, as well as Gay), if you look at Germany and all the rapes of women you have […]
QUESTION: Marty; How can Elizabeth Warren yell and scream at anyone in business when she herself lied and claimed to be part American Indian? Not even the Washington Post would back her up on that claim. She is just an insane socialist who does not even understand Wall Street. ANSWER: Trump called Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas” […]
A whistle-blower, Dr John Bates, who was a top NOAA scientist, has has come forward with hard evidence that the paper rushed out by the NOAA to influence the Paris Global Warming Conference was intended to be misleading using faked evidence. The scientists hired by the UN reported that there was indeed a ‘pause’ or […]
It has actually snowed in the Middle East. It was 17 degrees (60f) in Aubu Dhabi today – the coldest anyone can remember. Some place that should be cold have been warm. We are clearly having a very cold winter. This is warning that as the climate turns down, normally crops will fail and […]
ELIZABETH WARREN blasts Trump saying ‘Wall Street bankers and lobbyists … may be toasting each other with Champagne’ after he ordered the Department of Labor to review the rule that was to go into effect come April. Warren is really clueless. She fails to comprehend that sometimes government regulation is very bad. Indeed, I have […]
Pope Francis is rather concerned about what he calls a “hemorrhage” of priests and nuns from the Catholic church. Indeed, the loss of clergy is weakening the church over the past decades. The Pope commented on how nuns and priests have just quit claiming that modern society discourages lifelong commitments as in the soaring divorce rate. […]