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US Deploys Fleet to Korea

April 10, 2017

  Trump has sent a demonstration of strength against North Korea deploying a group of aircraft carriers towards the Korean Peninsula. With the loose-canon in charge of North Korea, a show of force is not guaranteed to have any effect on giving him a second thought. The measure instead may more likely simply exacerbate tensions […]

Christian Churches the Target of Terror Attacks in Egypt

April 9, 2017

  The brewing violence on religious grounds is stirring to say the least. In Egypt, bomb attacks at two Coptic churches carried out by suicide bombers with at least 36 people killed on Palm Sunday (Palmsonntag) and more than 100 were injured. This is the most serious attacks on the Christian minority in Egypt in many […]

The Left Becoming Violent in France As they Did Against Trump

April 9, 2017

In Corsica, the left has stormed into an appearance of Marine Le Pen to disrupt her campaign. The leftist group Ghjuventu Indipendentista claims to be Corsican nationalists who want to separate from France. The group called for everyone to join using Twitter. The goal was to prevent Le Pen from making an election campaign speech in Corsica. […]

Tax Authorities Still Hunting for More

April 9, 2017

Credit Suisse was raided in the hunt for tax money all throughout Europe. They took out ads last Sunday in the Sunday Times, Sunday Telegraph and Observer in London, all saying that they were a “response to recent reports about tax probes in various European countries”. The hunt for taxes has continued to target Switzerland […]

IMF Issue Working Paper on Eliminating Cash

April 8, 2017

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington has published a Working Paper on “de-cashing” the economies and the implications. This paper clearly demonstrates that this is the direction we are headed into. It provides advice to governments who want to join in the latest thing – abolishing cash. IMF-Analyst Alexei Kireyev recommends in his conclusions: Although some […]

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria

April 8, 2017

With all the attacks upon Trump as having some covert connection with Putin to defeat Hillary when nothing hacked from the DNC was ever said to have been faked or altered, just released, one must wonder has this suddenly influenced Trump to attack Syria to prove he is not in league with Putin? If the […]

Market Talk- April 7th, 2017

April 7, 2017

The main talking point affecting markets in Asia and indeed the rest of the world from the early hours trading was the US military action from the Mediterranean Sea. Safe haven assets were bid with bonds, gold and oil seeing good buying while the nerves found money being taken off the table in equity markets. […]

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