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Market Talk – March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017

The weekend and overnight news surrounded Chinese growth downplay and the North Korean missile tests. The former certainly helped the Shanghai and Hang Seng market with closes of around +0.4% whilst the later hindered the Nikkei closing -0.5%. China Parliament opened at the weekend with the Premier Li calling growth target lower to around 6.5%, […]

Allegations that Jarrett was Behind Covert Opps to Spy on Trump

March 6, 2017

I have been hearing about the Obama Administration wiretapping and trying desperately to uncover links of Trump and Puttin without success for months. The rumor mill alleges that this was a Valerie Jarrett operation that was directed from the White House. The Obama officials are not denying the covert operation, but are trying to paint it as […]

Time Magazine Joins the Questionable Journalists

March 6, 2017

QUESTION: Is there any validity to this latest pronouncement by Time Magazine that Trump should be impeached for the foreign-emoluments clause? ANSWER: This is up there with the whole issue Obama’s birth certificate, which went nowhere. The foreign-emoluments clause would have applied to Hillary because she was taking money from foreign governments directly via her pretend […]

Cycles Why do They Exist?

March 6, 2017

Many comments have come thanking me for demonstrating that there is order hidden within this chaos. Yet, the underlying question is fundamental – Why do cycles exist? I suppose the real answer is the same reason why we exist. Cycles are the divine blueprint from which everything is constructed. It is a complex structure, but everything […]

The Sovereign Debt & Pension Crisis Expanding

March 6, 2017

While the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop Trump along with Republican political elites such John McCain, and the shadow elites fund protests, stopping Trump will accomplish nothing for the corrupt socialists state is collapsing. This is the year we had forecast back in 1985 for the Sovereign Debt Crisis to being and […]

Rating Agencies Try to Influence French Elections

March 5, 2017

Standard & Poor’s (S & P) is being touted as once again trying to influence political elections as they did in Britain without success. While the US Congress wants to investigate Russia trying to influence US elections, they should look at the US track record of influencing foreign elections by the CIA and also the […]

The Origin of Consciousness?

March 5, 2017

The daunting question plaguing humanity has always been what is consciousness? Is consciousness everything yet nothing specific at the same moment? Where did it come from? Some believe this is our soul. Yet, if this is our soul which inhabits our body, there still needs to be a biological mechanism for a soul to utilize. […]

Obama & Boehner Display their Acting Ability

March 4, 2017

This is what politics is all about. There is nothing real for they NEVER say what they really think. This reflects Hillary’s statement you have to have a private position and a public one. People think Trump is outrageous for some things he says. But you know what he really thinks. These rest of politicians […]

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