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Europe’s Visa War with USA May Terminate All Travel

March 2, 2017

The EU Parliament voted to impose visas on all Americans forcing them to apply for visas to travel to Europe for business or tourism because Washington requires visas for Europeans coming from five EU countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Poland and Romania). So while the world criticizes Trump for vetting people from certain Middle Eastern countries, […]

Le Pen Attacks Merkel in Parliament Representing a Free Europe

March 2, 2017

The EU Dream of creating a federalized Europe is collapsing. The immigration crisis was created by Merkel solely for he personal popularity was collapsing due to her hard stance against Greece. The Eurozone is collapsing and Brussels still refuses to recognize that they have gone too far beyond a mere trade union trying to create […]

WEC 2017 – Will be Smaller not Bigger

March 2, 2017

To answer questions coming in, the venue in Hong Kong will be smaller as will Orlando. We are trying to get back to a more manageable size. Tickets are on sale now. 2017 is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. We have the debt ceiling issue in the USA come the Ides of March, […]

Judicial Tyranny & Why We Need Strict Construction

March 2, 2017

COMMENT:  The Insanity of the EU Bureaucrats and the European Court of Justice (ECJ – The Vnuk Case Summary: In August 2007 Slovenian Damijan Vnuk working on a farm was injured when the farmer who was parking his tractor and trailer in a barn accidentally reversed into the ladder Vnuk was up on. Vnuk sued for […]

Unless Healthcare is Revamped – Unemployment Will Rise

March 2, 2017

Healthcare costs have continued to outpace inflation and just about everything else within the economy. Generally speaking, prices rise when demand increases relative to supply. The scheme of Obamacare was to force the youth to buy healthcare they did not need to pay for everyone else. The fines have been less than the costs so many […]

Market Talk- March 1, 2017

March 1, 2017

It was the speech that most claimed lacked substance that just did exactly what most thought it couldn’t – rally global stock markets. Yes, Japan’s Biz Cap-Ex released at 3.8% compared to the previous 1.3%; that woke markets, then Manufacturing PMI released a smidgen worse but when the JPY started to fall, everyone blamed Trump. […]

The Euro Crisis – Dow & Gold

March 1, 2017

The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not good for he has placed himself above the country making this personal. His top aide just resigned and Fillon was summoned to appear before investigators on March 15 to […]

Machine Learning Programmers Wanted

March 1, 2017

We are looking to hire programmers interested in the cutting edge of machine learning as well as outsourcing specialty firms with sufficient staff. On-site work will be available in the Tampa, Florida region starting in about three months. If you are interested in moving into this new dynamic field, then drop us a line. [email protected]

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