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The Pension Crisis is Starting

May 3, 2016

The pension crisis set in motion by negative interest rates will be a major issue in the years ahead. Central banks have really screwed the entire social system and now everyone’s future is at risk. You cannot maintain negative to exceptionally low interest rates to help the bankers and claim it will ignite inflation and […]

Market Talk – May 2, 2016

May 2, 2016

Nikkei cash opened today following the same trend from Friday’s late US futures session with cash down around 4%. This did ultimately produce the days low and we rallied from there in low volume but cash still closed 3.1% lower on the day. China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia markets were also closed today. Like Asia, Europe had its share […]

Obama Takes Swipe at Hillary & Goldman Sachs

May 2, 2016

No, I did not attend this year’s correspondents dinner. I’ve been very busy programming. Nevertheless, Obama took a swipe at Trump as expected, but he also took a swipe at Hillary. “You’ve got to admit it though, Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook. ‘Dear […]

The First Roman Emperor Not of Latin Origin was From Syria

May 2, 2016

Claudius (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; b. 10 BC – 54 AD; r. 41-54AD) was the first Roman emperor born outside of Italy. However, he was a member of the Julio-Claudian dynasty as the son of Drusus, who was the brother of Tiberius and Antonia. Antonia was the younger daughter of Marc Antony and Octavia, the sister of […]

Metals Update Tomorrow May 2nd

May 2, 2016

We will provide the Video Update for the Metals Tomorrow (for those who took the Metals Report). The computer does a far better job than any individual can possibly do, including myself. The hope of this correction ending by March 2016 and a bull market beginning has not materialized once we obtained the Quarterly Bullish […]

The European Refugee Crisis is Changing the Face of Europe

May 1, 2016

https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Refugee.mp4 For the first time in Britain, the number one name given to boys upon birth was Muḥammad. This is how Rome died. The affluent typically see birth rates decline and immigrants fill the gap. Ancient Egyptians were a red race and always pictured themselves as a different color that was more similar to American […]

Saudi Arabia on the Ropes?

May 1, 2016

There is serious trouble brewing in Saudi Arabia. They have been dumping oil and increasing their output by 3.5%. However, the cash is being kept offshore. Rumors have been in flight that members of the royal family may be creating a stash just in case there is major civil unrest that forces them to flee into […]

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