Interview: Let Us Prepare For The End Of Democracies

March 2, 2025

Please click here to watch the English version!

Exclusive interview with Martin A. Armstrong by Carlo Alberto Amen, Piero Messina and Lorenzo Maria Pacini.

Economist Martin Armstrong speaks again with SouthFront. In the interview he gave, Armstrong offers some insights into the main issues on the geopolitical and economic agenda. Armstrong’s reflections are based on the interpretative model of economic cycles, the Socrates model. The analysis of economic cycles – according to the model developed by Armstrong – indicates a collapse of Western political systems (the end of democracies) in the coming years. The target set by the economist is 2032, but day after day, citizens of Western communities will be faced with a growing squeeze on subjective and economic freedom.  Each evaluation factor is directly linked to the model. The crisis of Western democracies is a historical forecast resulting from the exponential growth of state public debts (which will never be repaid). Looking at what is happening to the markets, Armstrong explains that the value of Gold will continue to grow (precisely due to the weakening of Western economies).

The Italian version is available on YouTube:

Zelensky Gathers More European Anti-American Support

March 1, 2025

Zelinsky at WHY Trump 2 28 25

QUESTION: Can you give any details as to how you knew Zelensky was trying to embarrass Trump in front of the world media?


ANSWER: All I can say is that I was told a few days ahead that Zelensky had a plan. About five days before, he demanded that he travel to the White House for a public meeting. Zelensky assumed he could lecture Trump, and since the media is all anti-Trump, he would force the United States into continuing to fund his never-ending war.  I’m sure if I knew the scheme, Trump had to have known, and he was prepared for Zeleinsky. This is Trump – not Biden, who has to read from teleprompters. JD Vance demonstrated he is certainly perhaps the best VP I have seen in over 30 years.

The EU has been scheming to replace the United States as the leader of the free world. This, I have been told, has been an agenda started by Macron. This is right on schedule. In 1853, the French defeated Russia in the Crimea War. Add 86 years to that, and you come to 1939 with the start of World War II. Add another 86 years, and you come to 2025. It’s just time, and France wants to conquer Russia because they lost under Napoleon.

Zelernsky Dividing the World

After Zelensky’s performance, he sent text messages to all the heads of Europe. The way the European press hates Trump and America, Zelensky probably ended up with more anti-American support, securing his goal – World War III to conquer Russia. Trump should instantly cut off ALL funds to Ukraine and instantly exit NATO. Any domestic Ukrainian who supports Zeleinsky should be asked to level the country as he was. Let them go on the front line to fight for their fictional leader, who clearly takes his instructions from NATO and the Neocons.

European Press Hates Trump – Loves War & Zelensky

March 1, 2025

UK Press Zelensky Trump 1 UK Press Zelensky Trump 2 US is Enemy of Europe

COMMENT #1: Marty, I just want to thank you. I am taking my wife and family to the USA. Every TV show and every newspaper hates America and loves Zelenskyy, and now Trump and Putin are the devils. I would never have believed it a year ago. Right now, it is in your face. Europe has hailed Zelensky as your George Washington, and Macron is offering nuclear weapons to Germany. I wonder what Poland is thinking. You pointed out this is 86 years from the Polish invasion by Hitler. They seem to be eager for war with Russia. I bought a house in Florida, and we will be there next week.

Thank you for bringing sanity to this insane world.



COMMENT #2: You are right. I did not vote for the hateful Neocons. She wants Ukraine in NATO now and to rearm Ukraine with nuclear weapons. I read your report. You are right. The Neocons have taken over Europe. It is time to leave.


COMMENT #3: I believe God is punishing the Europeans and Ukraine for what they did to the Jews and many others over the years and in WWII. What they did with the colonialism and then the blood baths of WWI and WWII, the Holocaust, and now the woke left WEF is not something that simply goes unpunished. God’s Justice requires that they pay the price and be destroyed. They are therefore, arrogant, misguided, being overrun by Islam and plunging themselves into their own destruction. That is why the computer picks this up, it picks up the patterns by which God governs the world the patterns by which governments and societies sow their own destruction.


COMMENT #4 (From Scotland)

Hello Mr. Armstrong ,
I could not believe what I was listening to, what a slam dunk from team USA to that scumbag Zelensky! It was surreal watching it. I praise Trump for putting that buster in his place  and Vance, who demonstrated he was the right choice for VP, did an excellent job at prodding Zelensky to uncover the ungrateful rat he is. It is actually true, Zelensky has never shown any gratitude to the American people. The fury on his face  today was priceless! He just regards the USA  as his personal ATM and today his game is over. The arrogance he showed today and the lies he told…If people still support this man after today, those people are absolutely despicable.
Now I wonder what will come next, I have a feeling that it is not going to be a positive outcome.


Economist Trump is Mafia

COMMENT #5: I can’t believe it. The Economist says Trump is acting like Mafia. You are correct. The press is just cheering World War III.



Babylon Bee Zelensky_Tries_Bold_New_Strategy_Of_Insulting_The_People_He_s_Begging_From COMMENT #6: Babylon Bee got it right. Not the press. The only way to stop these people is to terminate all subscriptions.


Cronkite Walter Young

I was told in advance Zelensky reads his own PR and thinks he walks on water. He thought he could insult Trump because the media hates him. The people no longer listen to every word of the media. They are evil, corrupt, and constantly try to brainwash people. They do not report the news. They shove their opinion down everyone’s throats – not the news. The days of Walter Cronkite are long gone.


They are back to Yellow Journalism to start wars so they can sell more papers, just as Pulitzer and Hearst did to start the Spanish-American War on fake news.

Why Europe Wants War

March 1, 2025

US_constitution 3

QUESTION: Hi Martin,
I follow you with great interest.
Please can you make it clear, in ‘Simpleton terms’ ( IE, for those of us who are unable to fully understand), why war is needed so much by the EU?
What on earth does Europe gain from this?
Observations, from what I’ve read of your posts:

1) Europe needs war so that it can default on it’s debt.
(How does that work)?
2) Europe needs war as a distraction, of some form?
3). I fail to understand how war solves anything?
4) I understand war is , to a certain degree, is about ‘Money’, IE divide and conquer and reap the rewards.

In short, without an essay on this subject, please explain the above mentioned scenarios , for those of us that want a ‘simple’ explanation!
All the best and take care,
C ?

Continental60 1779

ANSWER: War is a great way to default on debts. You get to form a new government, and they always disavow the debts of the previous government. The new United States government claimed it would honor the debts of the previous Continental Congress but never did. This is why you can still buy continental currency even on eBay because it was never redeemed despite the Constitution Article VI, Clause 1 guaranteeing otherwise.

Article VI, Clause 1:

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This provision, known as the Debts Clause, provides that the United States would recognize the debts and engagements of its predecessor governments—namely, the Continental Congresses and the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. This declaratory proposition assured the United States’ foreign creditors, particularly, that adopting the Constitution did not have the magical effect of dissolving the United States’ moral obligations. They defaulted on We the People.

German GDP 1991 2024

Europe has been committing economic suicide. Between the COVID-19 Lockdowns, the NET-ZERO Climate Change, and then the sanctions on Russia that doubled their fuel costs, you could not ask for a more braindead group of politicians who have ZERO comprehension of even how the economy functions and who see their domain as maintaining power at all costs. Europe refused to consolidate its debts, and all it did was move the volatility from the currency markets to the bond markets. They have the worst economic growth thanks to these policies blended with Marxism, making them the most oppressed economy period.


Everyone sees their obstinant economic agendas and their insane warmongering, and there has been a mass exodus of European investment. Instead of listening and reforming, they are too far left and insist that they are correct. They have been talking about conquering Russia and carving up its $75 trillion in assets, and then Europe will be worth twice that of the US national debt, and then the US will be downgraded to a colony once again. This is why they are patting each other on the back and why Macron and Tusk spoke to Zelensky and said the EU is behind him an “F” Trump.

The_Neocon_Coup_of_Europe 2 28 25($9.95)


They need war because they cannot sustain the EU because it was created under false pretenses. I have laid out the wrong plot and decided to say the full truth. Declassified documents have revealed that it was indeed the Neocons and the CIA that funded and created the European Community postwar right into the Treay of Rome.


Politicians will always blame their failures on some other entity or person. Biden blamed the rise in gasoline, calling it Putin’s Inflation. He took no responsibility for imposing the sanction on Russia that resulted in energy prices rising. The EU will collapse, and they know it. War will serve as a distraction so they can blame Russia.

Carving up China_imperialism_cartoon


War has two basic motives. Naturally, the first is national security. The threat of an invasion. The CONQUEST model has been the expansion of one’s territory, which is commonly known as empire building. They all had their designs on conquering China and carrying it up as the spoils. This is now the EU looking at Russia. The EU wants war for profit.

1931_GB Abandons Gold 1

In 1931, Europe defaulted on their debts. They start new governments and they never honor the debts of the previous just as the USA defaulted on the currency of the Continental Congress.

Zelensky Shows the World He is no Diplomat

March 1, 2025

Zelensky at White House 2 28 25

QUESTION: How did you know today would end this way, with Zelenskyy making a fool of himself?


Ukraine_Hryvnia Y Array 6 16 24 Flatlining

 ANSWER: Zelensky is believing his own BS, and the press loves him because of the Neocon propaganda. To refuse a cease-fire, claiming you need a security deal first, was not just BS, but it was based on the fact that the EU claims they are behind him, and he thought the press was so negative about Trump that he would win before the cameras. He has no regard for the lives of the Ukrainian people. I was told that he was coming only to try to make Trump the bad guy with no intention of actually creating any peace deal. The Ukrainian people who cannot see through this are fools, and our computer warns Ukraine will not exit. I have never seen our computer go flat-line on forecasting a country as it has on Ukraine.

The_Economist Trump King

The computer forecast the failure of this meeting. The problem is that the EU needs war with Russia because their economy is collapsing from COVID, Climate Change NET ZERO, and then sanctions on Russia. The EU is very anti-Trump. They have spent months demonizing him, reporting that there is no way he would be elected. Every issue of the Economist is nothing but hatred of Trump. The European press has set the tone and encouraged the split with the United States. They have also demonized Putin so much that it is now impossible for the EU to shake hands with Putin.


The EU does not want to negotiate with Trump on anything. They hate Trump just as the AfD or the politicians they denied the election in Romania because there, too, was an anti-war sentiment. They hate Hungary for not obeying their decrees. Yet, not a single EU commissioner stands for election. They are all appointed by other politicians, so the European people have no democratic right to vote for what they are saying.

The Neocons have complete control of the EU, and they will destroy Europe, for they are incapable of ever winning a single war. Europe has this vision that if they conquer Russia and grab the $75 trillion in natural resources, they will restore Europe to the glory days of the Roman Empire. America will then be reduced to this upstart subservient to Europe. The arrogance is incredible. Macron and the head of NATO spoke to Zelensky after he was told to get out and said the EU is behind you.


As Europe cheers and pounds its chest that it can take down Russia without the USA and that America is now the enemy, for the first time, 36% of Americans do not look at Europe favorably. With everyone telling Zelensky he is some hero. He pretends he is always wearing military garb to psychologically portray Ukraine is at war. Zelensky cares nothing about the Ukrainian people, or he would take a cease-fire and sign the mineral deal. That deal would bring American companies into Ukraine for strategic purposes, and Putin would not invade, for there would be no NATO troops pretending to be peacekeepers. Zelensky has just made our computer’s forecast correct. Ukraine will not exist as a country after 2027.

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