All posts in " Armstrong in the Media "

Interview: West Needs War Because Debts are no Longer Sustainable

May 26, 2024

Click here to read my latest interview with Piero Messina for SouthFront. Preview: “I named my computer model after Socrates because the oracle of Delphi had said that he was the smartest man in Greece. He tried to prove the oracle wrong and the process proved it to be correct. He was put on trial […]

RT Interview

May 25, 2024

Click here or on the image above to watch my latest interview with RT. “Despite the Ukrainian military losing more and more ground on the battlefield, the Estonian PM claims Moscow can still be beaten by Kiev. This week alone, Russian forces have already gained more ground than Ukrainian troops were able to. Russian Foreign […]

Interview: You Need Two Years Worth of Food

May 11, 2024

Click here to watch my latest interview on USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: “Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong has new data on how well the Biden economy is doing.  Spoiler alert:  It’s not doing well, and the financial system is about to tank.  I asked Armstrong if the US government could default […]

Norway Interview: Debt, Digital Currencies, and Political Tensions

April 6, 2024

Click here or on the image above to listen to my Norway interview with 2 Vikings Podcast. In what ways does Armstrong suggest the Eurozone’s financial practices are unsustainable, and what does he foresee as the potential fallout from such practices? Considering Armstrong’s skepticism towards digital currencies and government debt, what alternatives does he propose […]

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