All posts in " Armstrong in the Media "

Latest Interview with Smart Investor

March 23, 2024

Check out my latest interview with Smart Investor here. You can use Chrome browser or another tool to translate the article from German to English if necessary.

Interview: Trump, CBDC, Global Tension and Investment Strategies

February 2, 2024

Interview in Norway Click here to watch the latest interview on 2 Vikings Podcast on Spotify. A message from Frank Nilsen: How does Martin believe central bank digital currencies will affect the future of finance, borrowing, and the overall economy? With rising government discontent and predicted collapses in confidence, what indicators should we watch to […]

Interview: Martin Armstrong’s Socrates 2024 Election and Economic Forecasts — Part 1

January 31, 2024

Join Kerry Lutz and renowned economist Martin Armstrong for a captivating discussion centered around the Socrates computer model’s uncanny accuracy in predicting political and market trends since 1985. Discover the model’s compelling projection of a 61% chance for a Republican victory in the upcoming 2024 election and its implications for the political landscape. Delve into […]

Interview: Gold Surges Between War-Driven Inflation Dynamics

January 14, 2024

Interview with GoldSeek Radio: Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, reviews charts of the major indexes in real-time, noting “2024 could be a chaotic year.” – Interest rates rise during boom periods. “Yeah, I think people have to understand that the vast majority of analysis out there is all domestic. They’re just calling for the […]

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