All posts in " Basic Concepts "

Mutual Funds versus ETF’S

May 18, 2017

  People are waking-up to the fact that they can substitute the expensive Asset Manager fees by doing it themselves. There are many ways but here we distinguish between Mutual Funds (MT) and ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds). When buying into a MF it is via a company such as Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street etc. and […]

How Small Events Can Cascade into Contagions

May 4, 2017

  COMMENT: Dear Martin Armstrong, This very unusual video about dominoes is 2½ minute and shows how a small domino can knock over big ones. I remember you writing about a small Austrian bank, Creditanstalt, that in 1931 was the first sign of the economic depression. Maybe these dominoes can illustrate what happened. I hope you […]

Can Anyone Really Save The Economy in a Crash?

April 30, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did anyone ever save the world financial system during the 1998 Crash or the 2008 Crash? Also, you said that government will never heed the advice of anyone. You worked on Capitol Hill and testified before Congress and was called upon to form the G5. Yet you say it is impossible to […]

Dominoes – Key to Economic Survival

April 30, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; Will you be going over the type of monetary reform you see coming and how to position oneself for this and when it should arrive? What do you think about the SDR proposed by some replacing the dollar? Any response as to why you always seem to be right? Thanks See you in […]

Socialism – Family Structure – Gold – Food

April 7, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you said that socialism is collapsing and the West is most vulnerable because it changed the social structure and the family unit. Spanish families from Mexico seem to be much tighter groups than Americans. Is this what you are talking about? Did the ancient Greeks save money for retirement? Is that why […]

People Migrating South & Are Smarter than You Think

March 30, 2017

Birds are not the only creatures migrating south. In the United States, more and more people are leaving the highest taxes state and moving to lower tax states. One of the states that has seen large scale migration outward has been Illinois, where taxes are going insane and the there is no end in sight. […]

Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force

March 25, 2017

COMMENT: Mr., Armstrong, your solution video is splendid. What you say about government only interested in a crisis and not preventing anything makes perfect sense. I believe it was George Washington who said: “Government Is Not Reason, It Is Not Eloquence — It Is Force” Thank you for standing your ground. FH ANSWER: I do […]

I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!

March 23, 2017

COMMENT: Sir,       Growing up in Kentucky, I remember one of my friend’s fathers always grumbling, “I live in a Commonwealth. They are trying to make my wealth common!”       Just another phrase for a “sharing economy”.        Keep up the good work        DK

How Capital Moves – Outward then Inward

March 22, 2017

QUESTION: Hello Martin, In your ‘Why the Crash & Burn is Public not Private’ post of 18 March, you have an image showing World Capital Investment. Is that the sequence money usually follows at this time? And, what exactly is the ‘alignment’ you mention towards the end of the post as well as elsewhere? Best Regards […]

Why the Crash & Burn is Public not Private

March 18, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned the crash and burn applies to government assets, not private sector assets. Can the private sector stand on it’s own two feet? Thanks again, MB ANSWER: There are times when the private sector cannot stand and everyone runs to bonds/cash. Likewise, there are times when government can no longer stand […]

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