All posts in " California "

California v Hate – Turning Neighbor on Neighbor

March 7, 2024

They say life and death rest on the tongue, and in the case of California, your own words and thoughts can and will be used against you. CA vs Hate is a new program brought forward by Governor Gavin Newsom that encourages neighbors to turn on one another and lose trust in their own communities. […]

Why Panera is Excluded from California’s Minimum Wage Hike

March 5, 2024

California is raising the minimum wage of fast food employees from $16 to $20 under the FAST Act. I have explained that raises to California’s minimum wage was restricted due to successful lobbying efforts on behalf of fast food establishments. The new law does include commercial fast food restaurants, excluding Panera Bread. Why? Fast food […]

$50 Minimum Wage?

February 16, 2024

Lawmakers should be required by law to pass a financial literacy test before taking office. California has repeatedly raised the minimum wage as the cost of living continues to rise. They have not lowered the amount of taxes that the state will collect from these workers. California has the highest debt of any state in […]

Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (RAVBM) – Simplified Election Fraud

January 16, 2024

The United States of America is not a democracy nor a republic. Previously, I stated that at best we lived under a republic since we the people do not have ultimate power. The government has taken over more power in the last few years than ever before. Our elections are completely rigged and the United […]

Media Literacy and Disinformation Courses in Public Schools

January 10, 2024

As of January 1, California now requires students to learn media literacy throughout K-12. Will this curriculum update teach kids to fact-check the biased mainstream media or question everything? No. This bill is aimed at dismantling what the establishment has deemed as “misinformation” in recent years with the goal of rewriting history. Governor Gavin Newsom […]

Big Oil v. California

January 8, 2024

Chevron can no longer remain profitable in California, where politicians fail to understand the impact of reducing fossil fuels without a reliable alternative. The company has already pulled back hundreds of millions in spending in California over the past two years. Chevron’s Q4 filings proclaimed it needed non-cash write-downs and is expected to report non-cash […]

Gender Neutral Toy Aisles Mandatory in California by Law

January 5, 2024

California is facing a massive budget deficit and boasts the largest homeless population in the US. The state is expanding the Medi-Cal program under Medicare to provide 700,000 illegal migrants with free healthcare. Leave it to Governor Gavin Newsom to focus on non-issues like children’s toys. His entire platform is based on pandering to the […]

Free Healthcare in California

January 3, 2024

  Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced that California will be providing healthcare free of charge! The only caveat is that you must be an illegal migrant who does not contribute to the state’s economy. Around 700,000 migrants in California will now receive tax-payer subsidized healthcare. Newsom’s plan is the largest expansion of insurance coverage since […]

Xi Cleans Up San Francisco

November 14, 2023

@the_lost_astronaut ♬ original sound – Lost Astronaut The 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference will be held in San Francisco this year. Those I know in the area have said their city seemingly changed overnight. The homeless mysteriously left, the litter had been cleaned from the streets, and urine and feces washed away. The graffiti has […]

California Raises Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers to $20 per Hour

October 2, 2023

Effective April 1, fast food workers in California will receive a minimum wage of $20 thanks to a new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. This law does not extend to all minimum wage workers, only those at fast food establishments. Why? Newsom needs to buy votes and labor unions and chain restaurants have been […]

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