All posts in " California "

Xi Cleans Up San Francisco

November 14, 2023

@the_lost_astronaut ♬ original sound – Lost Astronaut The 2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference will be held in San Francisco this year. Those I know in the area have said their city seemingly changed overnight. The homeless mysteriously left, the litter had been cleaned from the streets, and urine and feces washed away. The graffiti has […]

California Raises Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers to $20 per Hour

October 2, 2023

Effective April 1, fast food workers in California will receive a minimum wage of $20 thanks to a new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom. This law does not extend to all minimum wage workers, only those at fast food establishments. Why? Newsom needs to buy votes and labor unions and chain restaurants have been […]

Newsom Vetoes Parental Discrimination Gender Identity Bill

September 27, 2023

Some say California’s Governor Gavin Newsom is attempting to appear more moderate ahead of election season. Newsom actually used common sense and defied party lines by vetoing a bill that would have taken children away from parents who refuse to provide them with gender-affirming care. Democratic Assemblymember Wendy Carrillo and Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener […]

Self-Defense Illegal in Blue Cities

August 10, 2023

Criminals have the right of way in the US where they are permitted to commit crimes with absolutely no repercussions. I advise you to read my article on the Cloward-Piven Strategy if you want to know the real reason this is all happening. Overburden the bureaucracy to break the system, create controlled chaos, usurp power […]

Major Hotel Chains Shutting San Francisco Locations

June 8, 2023

San Francisco and other blue cities are overrun with crime, permitted by light-on-crime policies. I know numerous people who travel for work, and all they can discuss after visiting cities such as San Francisco and Seattle is the urban encampments and rampant crime that occurs in broad daylight. Companies no longer wish to hold conferences […]

Tax Proposals Rising in California Again

January 16, 2020

Back in 2008, a California Socialist activist was gathering signatures in an attempt to impose a state wealth tax on the ballot that would have imposed a new 35% income surtax on top of the Federal income tax. He realized that people would flee the state, so the solution was to impose an exit tax, […]

Is California the Worst Economic Nightmare in the USA?

August 15, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, Whenever you refer to California Dreaming, my blog post from a few years back, I cannot help but smile. Thank you for your chart on the California economy. Does this represent most states? Does this represent the state of the U.S. economy? What states are actually growing? Yes, I agree with you that […]

Trump v California – the Sanctuary State

April 18, 2019

The battle over illegal aliens in the United States will really make your head spin. In 2017, California passed a “sanctuary state” law that limits cooperation between local authorities and federal immigration officials. Trump has stated that it remains an option for his administration to dump undocumented immigrants in “sanctuary cities,” namely send them all to […]

California Hands Retired Employees Checks in Excess of $400,000 + Pensions

March 13, 2019

Most employers provide vacation and sick leave. However, most employers do not allow sick days to roll over from one year to the next. The norm is to often cap at a certain number of days or hours. In the private sector, most employers do not allow employees to accumulate sick leave. Paid sick leave is part […]

California to Tax Anything & Everything They Can Think Of

March 3, 2019

COMMENT: Marty, You have to help us out here. California tried to tax text messages. The feds stopped that. Now, LA county wants to tax Uber and lyft. They’re already taxing us, I think, for mosquito control. The mosquito control only hands out info too. It does no real work. This is crazy. Everywhere in California, […]

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