All posts in " Civil Unrest "

Football in Decline

December 12, 2016

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason as a protest of the injustices against people of color because of Trump as if he has done something. Kaepernick has continued to protest in every game this season. Now, more than […]

Polls in Netherlands Show Political Upset in the Wind

December 9, 2016

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls and would win if the election were held today in the Netherlands. The political world is still in denial. Discussions circulating on Capital Hill are taking the route that Reagan was an outsider, so they just have to train Trump how this has to be done. Around […]

Why the Left & Government are the Greatest Threats to Domestic Life

December 8, 2016

COMMENT:  I love your site and read your blog daily – thank you! Regarding the polls, I have a friend who lives in San Diego, CA. She and I spoke just before the election and she said that for the past week to ten days, she had been receiving several calls every evening asking how […]

New York Times Partly Responsible for the Violence

November 22, 2016

  New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. has admitted that his paper was unconstitutionally biased and disgraced the very principle of the First Amendment. Sulzberger tries to cover-up their bias by saying they underestimated Donald Trump’s support among American voters. He then claimed they would “rededicate ourselves” to the newspaper’s standards of “honestly” reporting news. […]

If the Electoral College Voted for Hillary

November 22, 2016

  The proposal that the Electoral College should have voted for Hillary, thereby undermining the Constitutional structure of state v federal rights, was very serious. It demonstrates just how corrupt her followers can be willing to destroy everything to force their way upon the whole. This proposal would have destroyed the entire Constitution, and Hillary would have […]

Hillary Tells Supporters to Effectively Revolt Against Trump

November 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton in her first public speech since losing the election at the Washington gala for the Children’s Defense Fund,told people to fight against Trump and effectively has encouraged her supporters to revolt. She said: “I ask you to stay engaged. Stay engaged on every level. We need you. America needs you. Your energy, your […]

Anti-American Protesters Storm Trump’s Office

November 20, 2016

#firebannon protest at @USGSA #trump transition offices with @IfNotNowOrg #jewishresistance #dc #dcprotest — Vivian Ward (@KendrasPersonal) November 17, 2016   The anarchy continues as the anti-democratic protesters storm the offices of Trump’s transition team. These people are intolerant of anyone else who disagrees with them and it is clear they would rather turn the […]

Have the Democrats Unleashed a New Age Communist Revolution?

November 17, 2016

Understand one thing: revolutions emerge from the youth. With all the rhetoric hurled during the campaign, and Bernie Sanders promising free everything at the expense of anyone who works for a living, the youth have become an increasingly communistic generation. Typically, candidates promise everything and nobody really expects them to deliver. This election has hit a nerve simply because it […]

The Collapse of Socialism/Marxism

November 17, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your conference was exactly as you have said. A fantastic networking event. It was like a college reunion of like minded people coming together from around the world. At the cocktail party, you said 2015 was simply the 26 year “differential peak” in western governments. I didn’t get a chance to ask […]

The Color Purple – Not the Movie but a Revolutionary Movement

November 16, 2016

USA Today showed this photo by Olivier Douliery, it portrayed the color purple as the very words handed to them by Clinton, Inc.: “Purple is the blend of red and blue. It’s one of three colors of the suffrage movement. And it has deep ties to Christianity.” Purple was the color of royalty. Nobody but the Roman […]

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