All posts in " Corruption "

California in Peril

February 28, 2018

California is trying to scheme to circumvent the Trump Tax Reform which limits deductions to $10,000 in state taxes from their federal returns. Of course, the California press portrays this as punishment for voting for Hillary. But they support higher taxes as long as they get to deduct them from the Feds, which has been […]

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

February 23, 2018

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate bodies to provide information as to how they acquired property. Known as Unexplained Wealth Orders (“UWOs”), which is another step toward tyranny all because governments are totally incapable of managing their […]

Mueller Expands his Investigation Desperate to Bring Down Trump

February 21, 2018

CNN is ecstatic. Mueller cannot prove any connection between Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and Russia, so now he is turning to investigate if he solicited China or Qatar to invest any money in his company during the campaign. This is what I mean about Mueller. He is a vile and very evil man who is […]

Mueller Creates his Own Conspiracy

February 16, 2018

Robert Mueller III issued a 37-page indictment detailing a description alleging that there was Russian interference in the election targeted against Hillary. The alleged culprit is the Internet Research Agency which targeted over 100 people including the U.S. citizens. Mueller claims they supported Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. The clever tactic of Mueller here appears to be […]

Everything About the Las Vegas Shooting Has Been a Lie?

February 15, 2018

  The Associated Press (AP) released the original PDF (Paddock autopsy) of Stephen Paddock’s autopsy results by linking to it in one of their articles last Friday on February 9, 2018. However, they quickly pulled it off the internet within an hour or two because it did not match the official report by the government. Paddock’s Time […]

Democrats in Conspiracy with Bureaucrats

February 13, 2018

QUESTION: Briefly, the National Security Agency discovered that the FBI and DOJ were abusing the surveillance system. As a favor of one security agency to another, NSA Director Adm. Rogers permitted the FBI and DOJ to rush to the FISA Court and confess their transgressions before the NSA informed the Court. The FBI and DOJ […]

Nunes Memo is Out

February 2, 2018

  Nunes Memo Here is the Nunes memo the FBI and the Democrats did not want to be released. This confirmed that the FBI and Department of Justice abused their surveillance authority to target Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. This describes a criminal act on the part of the FBI – FRAUD UPON THE COURT. White House […]

McCabe Resigns Ahead of Internal Investigation Report on FBI

January 31, 2018

Andrew McCabe, who has become the face of the Deep State, has finally resigned ahead of waiting for his pension on March 18th. Don’t worry, he is using his leave time to stall the clock so he gets his pension which he should forfeit. He was pressured to quit by FBI Director Christopher Wray in […]

CFTC Has Made Spoofing a Crime

January 31, 2018

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced that it has brought a case in conjunction with the Department of Justice and Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Criminal Investigative Division, charging criminal and civil enforcement actions against three banks and six individuals involved in commodities fraud and spoofing schemes, which they define as bidding or offering with the […]


January 25, 2018

COMMENT:  Hi Martin: Thanks for the great conference in November–I really enjoyed it. I thought you might want to use this quote some time, which would well relate to the present FBI scandal. It comes from Wm. Penn, whose “Some Fruits of Solitude” is included in Book 1 of the Harvard Classics Five Foot Shelf of […]

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