All posts in " Corruption "

Why Removing Trump Will Lead to Civil War

March 17, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; It seems that the left is winning in preventing Trump from really reforming anything and the Republicans themselves are divided over Obamacare. Do you see this change? Thank you for what you do. It is striking how on point you have been. LE ANSWER: The Democrats led by Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are […]

Money or Government – Which is the Problem?

March 14, 2017

QUESTION: Hugo Salinas Price raised the introduction of silver as a duel currency in Mexico. The 1 ounce coin with no number of pesos listed on it (possible no date either) would be a dual currency. The value, like gold and silver bullion, would be listed each day so everyone would know the value. If the […]

Did Obama Wiretap Trump Tower?

March 14, 2017

QUESTION: Do you think there is evidence that Obama did a wiretap of Trump Tower? ANSWER: No! Trump used the term “wiretap” as it used to be that way 20 years ago, but today, the NSA takes every phone call in the country if not the entire world. They tap into the trunk systems, they […]

NY Prosecutor Preet Bharara Who Protected Bankers is Fired

March 13, 2017

The Trump administration moved on Friday to sweep away virtually all of the remaining vestiges of the Obama administration prosecutors at the Justice Department. They ordered 46 holdover U.S. attorneys to tender their resignations immediately. Demanding resignations from US attorneys is actually standard operating procedure in the DOJ whenever a new administration assumes power. Traditionally this […]

Wikileaks Blows the Doors off of Silicon Valley

March 9, 2017

Wikileaks has published Vault 7 which contained thousands of documents. Wikileaks now says the CIA has hacked into Apple and Android smartphones, Windows computers and Samsung smart TVs. Looking over all the documents, they seem to now describe how the CIA can spy by exploiting security flaws to access text and voice messages EVEN before […]

Connecting the Dots

March 9, 2017

Understanding that one must watch the world to ascertain the trend even domestically is critical – this is what separates a domestic trader from a professional hedge fund manager. You simply have to know what is happening out there on all fronts. Connecting the dots allows you to see the full picture of what exactly […]

CIA Can Tap Your TV to Smartphone & Everything Between

March 8, 2017

WikiLeaks has just released a massive trove of documents and files on Tuesday which exposes how the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacks smartphones, computer operating systems, message applications as well as even internet-connected televisions. They can watch you in bed. The CIA has breached every possible constitutional protection in true big brother fashion. They cannot […]

Evidence Hillary Was Briefed by Obama on Covert Abuse of Power to Target Trump

March 7, 2017

COMMENT: You have no proof that Obama briefed Hillary. You are just supporting Trump. REPLY: Here is Hillary’s Tweet dated October 31st, 2016 AFTER Obama sought the court order to tap the server Trump had in Trump Tower under the pretense it would prove links he had with Russia. That effort failed to produce any […]

Democrat v Republican

March 7, 2017

We are perhaps witnessing the political crisis of a life time. Our model has been projecting this crisis and I warned more than 20 years ago that the Democratic Party was in serious decline. Keep in mind that Trump effectively became a third party candidate within the Republican Party. So by no means is this […]

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