All posts in " ECM "

Imagine Waking from an 8-Year Coma – Reflections from the Last ECM Wave

April 16, 2024

The year 2015 was not long ago, and yet the entire world economy has changed. Central banks mismanaged monetary policy through arbitrarily low interest rates and continuous printing to appease the bigger issue—fiscal policy. Fiscal policies are all but nonexistent in most of the modern world, and government spending has become one of the largest […]

Trump will Be Found Guilty in NYC And Bragg Will Try to Imprison Him

April 15, 2024

  New York City is out to destroy Donald Trump, and Alvin Bragg’s criminal trial starts today – Monday. We already know the outcome – Trump will receive nothing of a fair trial, and Bragg, with the judges, will find Trump Guilty, and they WILL try to imprison Trump on Riker’s Island and cheer when […]

The Coming Events – Iran & Ukraine

April 12, 2024

The world is completely going insane. Markets have been rising with crude, gold, and the dollar in anticipation of an Iranian attack on Israel. The month of May looks to be very critical for markets on a global scale—no worries about our London Conference. We would not hold it in London if it appeared to […]

The Eclipse of ’24 – Good or Bad Omen?

April 9, 2024

  Since ancient times, eclipses and comets have been omens of good and bad events. The Babylonian priests saw the connection between geopolitical events on Earth and the movement of the stars in the heavens and gave birth to astrology. But they also could see the cycles in everything and were rather good at predicting […]

Biden’s Dictatorship – Why Executive Orders are Unconstitutional

April 5, 2024

These are just a few of the onslaught of Executive Orders Bidens signed within hours of entering the White House. He not only opened the border to the flood of illegal aliens that are now getting free healthcare and tax-free money and housing that Americans are not entitled to, but he immediately went to deal […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Rate Cuts & Future

March 21, 2024

PRIVATE BLOG – Rate Cuts & Future Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Soul of a Nation

March 16, 2024

QUESTION: You have said that a nation’s true wealth is not its gold but its people. Would you say that what makes the people different from nation to nation is their customs and culture? Is Soros’s Open Society destroying civilization by opening borders and undermining our culture? He is doing what Marx did and has […]

A Report on the Fall of Communism Published 1990

March 8, 2024

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I know you knew my father. He had always been a big supporter of your work. He would do his part in homeschooling me part-time and show me your work on how the world functions. He passed, and I greatly appreciate your kindness in paying your respects. I’m sure he smiled from […]

Can World War III be Avoided?

March 8, 2024

Many people have written in asking if you can avoid World War III. In my experience with this model, the turning points are fixed in time. We cannot alter the cycle any more than someone can manipulate any market, altering it from boom to bust. You cannot alter the cycle, but I believe that, from […]

And Here Comes April/May 2024

March 7, 2024

  The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. Our […]

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