All posts in " European Union "

Does America Need NATO?

February 14, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has recently reiterated his stance that the United States is unfairly carrying the financial burden of the NATO alliance. He has criticized other NATO members for not meeting their defense spending targets and believes that the US should not protect allies who fail to meet these targets. Trump threatened to withdraw […]

Irish Lives Matter

February 9, 2024 Large demonstrations have been happening throughout Ireland to protest the mass invasion of illegal migrants. As I said, all of the Build Back Better WEF-affiliated nations have sold out their own people to the globalist agenda, which entails replacing the current population with illegal immigrants. These people rely solely on government aid and are […]

EU Proposes New Climate Target for 2040

February 8, 2024

The European Union is leading the climate change psyop and releasing recommendations that are completely unattainable and unnecessary. Brussels would now like to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an astonishing 90% by 2040. “Setting a 2040 climate target will help European industry, investors, citizens and governments to make decisions in this decade that will keep […]

Farmers Descend on Paris

January 31, 2024

Farmers throughout the world have been protesting the increasing regulations on agriculture. The media is barely covering the story, and when they do mention it, they say that the farmers are protesting due to Russia blocking supplies from Ukraine. This is simply untrue. The farmers are protesting against over-regulation, taxes, and the climate change agenda […]

Poland’s New Govt Pro-War & Pro-EU

January 12, 2024

  It’s a real crime what’s happening to the Polish people at the hands of what many see as traitors who are taking directives from foreign organizations that will take Poland into a disastrous war with Russia. Poland’s right-wing, now opposition, has called on its supporters to protest against this new pro-European Union government. Unfortunately, […]

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

December 29, 2023

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the Ukrainian war that the West instigated by promising democratic elections to the Donbas in BAD FAITH just for being Russian, the European Union Council adopted a 12th […]

Viktor Orbán Tries to Save Europe from World War III

December 16, 2023

Europe is desperate to commit geopolitical and economic suicide. They have bullshitted the people all along, and all they are interested in is creating war to devastate Europe a third time simply as the excuse to cover up the economic failure of the Euro and the fiscal mismanagement of the economy. All world leaders have […]

Irish Patriotism is “Far-Right Extremism” – European Race Riots

November 28, 2023

The Irish are no strangers to battling those occupying their lands. This time, the European Union and Irish government permitted a mass influx of migrants into the country. Then Ireland granted those migrants the right to vote in elections. Increased foreign nationals, misaligned traditions and morals, followed by the deaths of numerous citizens has led […]

Let’s Not Dance to Their Tunes – Orban Exposes Globalists Grip on EU

November 22, 2023

(image from Reuters/Bernadett Szabo) Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary wants the people to know that the European Union is controlled by the globalists. His government has begun a campaign to explain this message, placing billboards depicting European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen with Open Society Foundations heir Alex Soros. “Let’s not dance to […]

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations

November 2, 2023

Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless migrants who do not share the same culture or values. Reuters reported that Nordic governments are now planning to deport immigrants who have not established legal residence. […]

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