All posts in " European Union "

Draghi Admits He Cannot Stop Buying Gov’t Debt

February 28, 2018

Draghi has realized that he has singlehandedly destroyed the European bond market. Besides the fact that it is illegal to short government bonds, he has come face to face with the stark reality that IF the ECB stops buying government bonds, there will be NO BID at these price levels. Interest rates will skyrocket dramatically. On […]

The Ban on issued Coins that Commemorated Waterloo

January 23, 2018

QUESTION: Wrote said that under the EU organization, the French insisted there would be a prohibition against issuing any coin that commemorated Waterloo. Can you elaborate on that? I never heard of that clause before. ANSWER: Yes, and Belgium defied the rule by issuing a commemorative 2.5 euro coin that was NOT for general circulation. It was […]

Did the Migration into Europe Bring New Diseases?

January 18, 2018

The most devastating plagues in history have been created by migration. There were warnings in the form of rumors that told of a great plague in China and India which killed most of the populations there. The plague made its way to Europe when the Kipchak forces were besieging the Genoese trading post in the Crimea. […]

MIFiD II Delays…

December 29, 2017

Talk amongst many traders is that they are so unsure how the new rules and regulations surrounding the implementation of MIFiD II (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive) are to be imposed, that some even said they were keen to extend their holidays until this mess is sorted out. In other words, until they hear that […]

Are the EU’s Days Numbered?

December 21, 2017

My recent meetings in Brussels reveals some concern what happens when Merkel loses power? Schultz is calling for the complete federalization of Europe – the United States of Europe as he puts it. The power is starting to slip between their fingers and as Italy approaches its confrontation with the EU in the next elections, there too we see […]

British Parliament Chaos as Tory Rebels Try to Stop BREXIT

December 18, 2017

The Tory Rebels in the UK Parliament joined forces with Labour and the Remain Camp to defeat BREXIT in reality. They claim that Parliament will now vote on the BREXIT deal, but in reality, they have created an open door for more uncertainty and economic chaos. The Tory rebels were Mr. Grieve, Heidi Allen, Ken […]

EU To Restrict Movement of Cash

December 13, 2017

The EU is now developing strict rules for carrying cash when traveling to non-European countries and returning to Europe. The revision of the First Cash Control Regulation from 2005, which stipulated that EU citizens should register cash in excess of € 10,000 when leaving the EU or when returning to the customs authorities have to, […]

EU Commission v Eurogroup

December 11, 2017

Most people do not understand that there is the Eurogroup, which is an informal body of finance ministers from the Eurozone member states that are intended to discuss matters relating to their countries’ common responsibilities related to the Euro.  They do not keep any minutes so nothing emerges with respect to policy. There is now […]

Corsica Elects Anti-EU Candidate

December 6, 2017

Corsica is known for its illustrious contribution to politics — Napoleon Bonaparte. The winner of the Sunday election, Gilles Simeoni, is quite different. He is the 50-year-old mayor of Bastia and son of a legendary independence fighter. He admitted his victory was an “unusual election outcome.” In fact, his Nationalist Party Pè a Corsica (For Corsica) […]

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