All posts in " Gold "

Can US Russian Sanctions Start A Financial Crisis?

May 8, 2018

The US sanctions against Russia are pointless and are placing the West at risk the politicians are too stupid to even comprehend. Already, some Russian companies have asked the government for liquidity injections of up to $2 billion. Even the world’s second-largest aluminum producer Rusal has asked for help. Nevertheless, the impact of sanctions goes […]

Has the Dollar Turned?

May 8, 2018

QUESTION: You models called for a rally in the pound sterling into April and it seems like that is spot on. We did bounce off of the 144 level.  In your year-end report, you said the resistance in the pound for 2018 was at the 14500-14600 level throughout 2018. Living here in Britain, I really […]

Has War Become Obsolete?

May 7, 2018

  Of course, nobody comes close to the United States on military spending. Nonetheless, India has now surpassed France bumping it from the list of the big five military spenders. Many believe this is the policy because of the rise of China. But it is also because of Pakistan. War has changed, but countries are […]

Influence – Meetings & Conspiracies As Always

May 6, 2018

COMMENT: I saw you in front of the Bank of England. Then within a matter of days, the pound crashes. You may not be a household name but you are in the circles that matter. So did you orchestrate the reverse trend in the pound? OD REPLY: No! The pound crashed simply because it was on […]

Erdogan Recalls Gold Reserves from New York Fed – Is He Preparing for War?

May 6, 2018

The Turkish government has withdrawn its reserves of gold from the Federal Reserve. Erdogan clearly is positioning himself to be able to seek its own power that will be contrary to international policy. Erdogan is one of those politicians who still think in the old days of Empire. As a member of NATO, he has constantly been […]

Argentina Raises Interest Rates to Support Currency

May 6, 2018

  Argentina has just raised interest rates to 40% trying to support the currency. I have explained many times that interest rates follow a BELL-CURVE and by no means are they linear. This is one of the huge problems behind attempts by central banks to manipulate the economy by impacting demand-side economics. Raising interest rates […]

UAE Drops VAT on Gold

May 5, 2018

The UAE government came under tremendous pressure by the dealers that the VAT was killing their business. The government has responded dropping the VAT (Sales Tax) on gold, diamonds, and precious metals for investors. Taxing such products is, in reality, taxing money the same as if it bought bonds or stocks. Not everyone buys stocks […]

The US Two-Tier Monetary System that Ended in 1971

May 4, 2018

QUESTION: You said the US had a two-tier monetary system under Bretton Woods. Can you explain that one, please? DHJ ANSWER: When Roosevelt confiscated gold, he created, in reality, a two-tier monetary system quite frankly as the medieval city of Florence. The Great Financial Panic of 1344 was when the value of silver rose dramatically blowing […]

Congress Criticizes Trump’s People for Meeting with Russians

May 3, 2018

  The report is out on the claimed Trump collusion with Putin to defeat Hillary. All it did was criticize some members of Trump’s team for meeting with Russians at Trump Tower who claimed to have dirt on Hillary which was a ruse just to get a meeting. What they were trying to do was explain […]

Market Talk- May 2, 2018

May 2, 2018

The Nikkei traded nervously today ahead of the FED and US NFP’s, but knowing it is closed the rest of the week (Golden Week holidays). Some of the exporters did manage to edge ahead but gains were very limited. The overall trend appeared heavy all be it lethargic, but we are watching the Yen trade […]

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