All posts in " Neocons "

British MoD Allegedly Hacked by China on May 7

May 8, 2024

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced on May 7 that they were targeted by hackers. The initial announcement did not state who was responsible, but Sky News reported that their sources claim China is to blame. There has been much news of heightened tensions with China around the May 7 target. Did China hack the […]

Palestinian Refugees Heading to America

May 3, 2024

To the surprise of none, President Joe Biden is considering allowing Palestinians to seek refuge in America. Technically, they could already come here; anyone and everyone could come here, as the borders are unsecured, and everyone who shows up receives a full welfare package funded by American citizens. The Biden Administration wants to streamline the process […]

Neocons & their Hatred of all Russians – Destruction of Nord Stream

May 2, 2024 Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson explains that there is a mountain of evidence confirming that the American Neocons were behind the destruction of Nord Stream sabotage of September 26th, 2022 (2022.736) that left Europeans’ wallets empty as energy prices soared. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was carried out by the American Neocons, […]

Blinken Pushing Ukraine into NATO to Start WWIII

April 4, 2024   Blinken says that Ukraine will be joining NATO, and the Article of NATO clearly states that nobody can join NATO who is at war. Blinken knows that Ukraine is about to fall, so he is pushing that to hell with the rules; NATO must accept Ukraine now so that they can declare World […]

Neocon Super PAC Urges Trump’s Assassination

April 3, 2024     The Lincoln Pact is the neocon Super Pac championed by Liz Cheney that has two objectives: 1) continue all endless wars, and 2) eliminate Donald Trump. The group grew in their demands after Nikki Haley ungracefully bowed out of the election. This is not a Republican Super Pac as they have endorsed […]

32 Climate Hoaxes that are now Supporting for WWIII

March 27, 2024

Did we get enough of them to save the planet? I am not kidding. There are now Climate Zealots who are eager to bring about World War III as the means to save the planet by eliminating 50%+ of the world population. This is why all our world leaders are promoting war, and the NEOCONS […]

Beware the Ides of May

March 26, 2024

The Western Press continues to report only the propaganda from the NEOCON mouthpiece, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is run bt Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law. I have warned that they were trying to start war BEFORE the election, and the two main targets in time were May and July. Be very careful […]

Pushing for War – Ukraine About to Fall

March 20, 2024

For some time, I have reported that Special Forces have been in Ukraine, and Russia knows that. Now, leaked documents have confirmed that reality. Even in Vietnam, there were special forces there well before any official invasion. Ukrainians have used this, claiming that NATO is in Ukraine and hiding in schools using children as cover. […]

How the Neocons Treat Veterans

March 18, 2024   This is the side of the news that the mainstream media will NEVER cover. The neocons backed by the establishment calculatingly fabricate new wars and expect you to offer your life for their war games. Rarely is the true motive protecting the nation. Veterans deserve the utmost respect, especially from those in the […]


March 13, 2024

COMMENT: I have investigated what you have said about our Western leaders. From the US to Britain, the Balkans, France, Poland, and Germany, they all want war. I am 77 now. My whole life was about creating peace. I remember Richard Nixon opening China and dividing it from Russia. I believe you are correct.  There […]

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