All posts in " Neocons "

Open Borders, Chaos & Violence

July 11, 2023

I have traded head-to-head with Soros. Many believe that he was also behind getting me imprisoned after his attempt to trade against the Japanese yen in 1999. I defeated and warned all my clients at our March 1999 Tokyo conference how to defeat Soros and the other bankers who were trying to exploit the Japanese […]

US Sending Most Deadly of All Weapons to Ukraine That Kills More Civilian Than Soldiers

July 10, 2023

Cluster Bombs kill more civilians than soldiers and are one of the most lethal weapons that destroy any territory. More than 120 countries have signed on to an international treaty banning the weapons, which typically scatter a large number of smaller so-called bomblets over a large area that can kill or maim unwary civilians months or […]

The Stolen Election – 2004

June 29, 2023

During a recent interview, Robert F. Kennedy was criticized for claiming that the presidential election was rigged. The interviewer became silent when Kennedy corrected him by saying he never commented on the 2020 US Presidential Election. Instead, Kennedy had been vocal about George W Bush stealing the 2004 election. It does not matter if someone […]

The Neocons & Endless Wars & Endless Corruption

June 27, 2023   I reported that the Pentagon admits that “due to accounting errors,” they LOST $6.2 BILLION! This is nothing new. The Pentagon has NEVER passed even one audit. Money simply vanishes and is often used by the Neocons to undermine geopolitics to further their own agenda. Then there is the sheer price gouging that is mindblowing. There […]

Neocons Pushing for Nuclear War NOW!

June 23, 2023   The most notorious Washington Neocon, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and his equal Neocon on the Democratic side, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), have introduced a Resolution in the Senate in hopes of justifying World War III stating that if Russia, or one of its Proxy Belarus just as Ukraine is our Proxy, detonates a […]

Blinken to Visit China – What Could Go Wrong?

June 16, 2023

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is set to visit Beijing this weekend. Blinken was originally scheduled to visit China in February, but it was delayed after Chinese spy balloons entered US airspace. Sending Blinken to China is like sending a thief to rob the headquarters of the National Rifle Association. Blinken has repeatedly offended […]

Zelensky: Ukraine Will Win War before 2024 US Elections

May 16, 2023

I have said it countless times – the only way they will keep Biden in power is to enter the war. The US and all NATO nations have already unofficially entered the war by supplying soldiers and a blank check to Ukraine and attempting to nuke Russia’s economy by removing it from SWIFT and placing […]

Russia Did NOT Destroy Nord Stream

May 4, 2023

Intelligence agencies backed by the mainstream media are still trying to blame Russia for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines. A new BBC report claims that Russian ships and submarines were present when the blasts occurred. These “ghost ships” allegedly had their transmitters turned off, but they were not clever enough to encode their […]

Zelensky Selling State Assets to Line His Pockets Before Fleeing to Miami

May 1, 2023

Zelensky is slick. He is now lining his pockets with the goal of becoming a billionaire when he flees to his estate in Miami. He is now trying to sell off all state assets in the fossil fuel sector to corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton. Of course, these companies are all showing that war […]

“They” Explained

April 25, 2023

People often ask who I am referencing when I refer to “they.” THEY are the leaders of the pack; the neocons. They are the people who create endless wars and use the people as their toy soldiers for war games—we are the toys. None of these wars affected our way of life and we had […]

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