All posts in " Sovereign Debt Crisis "

The Obama-Boehner Debt Crisis

March 1, 2017

The debt deal struck by President Barack Obama and the then House Speaker John Boehner back in October 2015, was done purposefully to ensure that the debt crisis would not unfold under Obama and the Democrats.  John Boehner never saw a government role of red tape he never cherished.  The debt deal was absurd that […]

EU Bailout of Portugal Has Failed

February 24, 2017

  This year, 2017, is the beginning of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. While Greece is popping up on the financial radar, the Euro rescue in Portugal has also completely failed to reverse the trend of the country. There has been no effective relief from the debt crisis in Southern Europe. The debt in Portugal is also […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis – Cycle Due 2017

February 20, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin It’s been 30 years since I first saw you speak and this year I’m taking my son to Orlando to see you for the first time. How time flies. That said why have you not talked about the 86 year Sovereign Debt cycle that is forecasting a Great Depression for 2017. Have the […]

The Ship is Sinking

February 15, 2017

QUESTION: What should readers of your blog like myself invest in before this whole government bubble bursts? It seems to me that when it does burst, equities and bonds will crash at the same time. Thanks and I look forward to hearing back. RL ANSWER: Do not put equities in the same boat with bonds. […]

Rogoff: An Elitist Who Has No Respect for the People

January 18, 2017

Kenneth Rogoff is a Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Harvard University. Rogoff calls critics of negative interest rates “ignorant” despite the fact that negative interest rates have been used since 2008 without any success. He had the audacity to say that people should not look at their short-term personal losses, but rather look at the long-term vision […]

Bonds v Shares

January 12, 2017

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong As a long time reader I rarely see you mention the possible long term benefits of also holding corporate bonds. I understand the obvious down side to government bonds and the reason for stocks to move higher, but since bond holders get paid before stock holders when things go bad would […]

The 401K – The Pension Crisis Coming Your Way 2017

January 4, 2017

COMMENT: Martin, A few weeks ago (12/13/2016) my wife received a notice from her company about changes to her 401K and I thought I was in a Kafka film. The notice basically identified “the investment elections you can make and the actions that will occur if you do not make you elections by the deadlines […]

The Future is Not as Dark As it Seems

December 24, 2016

I took this picture at the beach. At first glance, it is hard to tell if it is a sunrise or a sunset. For the record, it was a sunrise – the dawn of a new day. What we face can be disastrous but it also can be the dawn of a new era. Government […]

The ECB is Insolvent Based on Their Standards

December 23, 2016

As we approach 2017, the euro appears far worse than anyone could imagine. The biggest hypocrite is actually Mario Draghi who is outrageously managing the European Central Bank (ECB). To make this as plain as possible, the ECB is the largest individual creditor of the euro countries, and is thus a bank that is undermined completely by the poor creditworthiness of the […]

Clarification on India’s Gold Confiscation

December 23, 2016

To make it clear, India is not going door to door to confiscate gold any more than FDR did. The reason so many $20 gold coins have survived is because there was no door to door confiscation. Banks and corporations who had records of gold were forced to turn their gold over and then FDR […]

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