All posts in " Sovereign Debt Crisis "

Draghi Admits He Cannot Stop Buying Gov’t Debt

February 28, 2018

Draghi has realized that he has singlehandedly destroyed the European bond market. Besides the fact that it is illegal to short government bonds, he has come face to face with the stark reality that IF the ECB stops buying government bonds, there will be NO BID at these price levels. Interest rates will skyrocket dramatically. On […]

Britain’s New Law UNEXPLAINED WEALTH ORDERS Targeting the Rich

February 23, 2018

From January 31st, 2018, the UK authorities have a new power. They can now use new and expansive investigative authority to require both individuals and corporate bodies to provide information as to how they acquired property. Known as Unexplained Wealth Orders (“UWOs”), which is another step toward tyranny all because governments are totally incapable of managing their […]

India Enters the Sovereign Debt Crisis

February 22, 2018

I have warned continually that the Sovereign Debt Crisis will unfold not so much by people selling government debt, but by the lack of people buying new debt. The greatest peril is when there is NO BID for the new issues because all governments are operating a PONZI scheme. They sell new debt to pay off maturing debt. […]

World Dollar Debt up 5.2% – World Euro Debt Up 10.5%

January 27, 2018

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has reported exactly what we have been warning about – the explosion in dollar-denominated debt outside the USA which means a rise in the dollar will see a massive debt crisis. The total volume of US dollar-denominated debt outside the US increased significantly. The BIS reported that the volume of […]

China Credit Rating Agency Downgrade USA

January 17, 2018

The Chinese rating agency Dagong downgraded the US creditworthiness over the tax reform. What is really a total joke is why anyone bothers to rank any government debt whatsoever when in fact there is not a single government in the world who ever intends to pay off their debt. So why does anybody rate government […]


January 12, 2018

COUNTERPARTY RISK QUESTION:  In regard to counterparty risk when purchasing exchange traded funds or notes: With European banks being under capitalised due to the excessive risk undertaken due to the EU regulations regarding bailouts, how can we measure the threat of each counterparty which has backed each ETF. Would it be safer to consider only ETFs with US counterparties, […]

World Debt Burden has Exceeded $230 Trillion

January 9, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I find it interesting how you have pointed out that when it comes to public debt, the USA is actually far better than Europe or many in Asia. You also forecast that debt would begin to rise sharply from mid-2017 going into 2021. Do you have any figures to support that forecast? […]

The Municipal Debt Crisis Begins

January 8, 2018

I have previously reported that about 50% of German municipalities are insolvent. This is a global trend and we are witnessing it in the United States as well. The North Rhine-Westphalian Association of Cities has called for help from the future German federal government as the building crisis among financially weak municipalities continue to escalate. This […]

Trump & Taxes

December 7, 2017

QUESTION: Do you support Trump increasing the debt by a trillion dollars? I thought you were conservative? PY ANSWER: Well the first thing you have to do is get a grip on what is a reality. Governments around the globe borrow every single year with absolutely no intention of ever paying off their national debts. […]

ECB Worried Who Will Buy Government Debt if they Stop?

October 18, 2017

  According to RELIABLE sources behind the curtain, the crisis in Spain led to a significant amount of selling Spanish debt to the European Central Bank (ECB) which has meanwhile swelled to 2.3 trillion Euro. There are problems now emerging in Italy and the appetite for government debt at low rates is not as strong […]

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