All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

They Want to Put Nano-Chips into Currency So they can track every note

July 15, 2017

Believe it or not, Australia has a Black Economy Taskforce that hunts down citizens in every possible way. They look at where they send their kids to school and then inquire at the school who pays the bills and how. They are using technology to hack people’s phones of anyone suspected of hiding money to […]

Are We Mushrooms being fed Mountains of Manure by Bureaucrats?

July 15, 2017

  Government bureaucrats connive ways to gain power as they treat the people like mushrooms — they keep  us in the dark and feed us mountains manure and mainstream media conspire to make sure we remain buried so deep we cannot reach the surface for air. They foam at the mouth of the through of creating […]

City of Seattle Runs Out of Things to Tax – Now Wants to Impose Income Tax

July 13, 2017

The Seattle City Council has run out of things to tax so they have unanimously voted to impose an income tax upon the “rich”, and of course we all know that will eventually move to include everyone. The city claims it will raise $140 million and it will cost $10-13 million to set up, and […]

India Taxing Gold

June 29, 2017

India has been fighting the gold trade for the past few years. They have sought to highly restrict it to prevent the net capital outflow. They even attempted to impose a 18% tax. As of July 1st, 2017, India is imposing a tax on gold bullion be it in coin or bar form of 3%. […]

South Australia in Financial Trouble

June 29, 2017

COMMENT: Marty; Thank you for doing your conference in Hong Kong. It made it really convenient for all us from Downunder. You are probably aware that South Australia is broke and they just imposed a huge tax on the banks. They are calling it the “surprise tax” of $280 million on the top 5 banks. Many […]

Germany Secretly Passed Total Surveillance of Everything

June 24, 2017

Governments routinely pass laws that are expanding their powers to the detriment of personal rights that are buried deeply in legislation only a diehard will read. We have heard about these type of sneaky legislation in the USA, but all governments are the same and Germany just proved it is no more honorable than the […]

Grenfell Protests – May Must Go

June 18, 2017

  The protests are rising and Theresa May failed to go talk to the people right away while Jeremy Corbyn was there on TV crying with the people. He had proposed refurbishing the government housing and sprinklers should be installed last year and it was knocked down. People are blaming austerity. They are demanding an […]

France Police Hunting Tourists To Shake Them Down

June 16, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I had the wonderful experience of flying to France to see my son going to school there. Upon my arrival, I was immediately commandeered by the French police asking me how much money I had. I didn’t even get out of the Paris airport. I was not dressed elegantly; just jeans. I […]

Merkel Wants G20 Global Taxation of Internet

June 15, 2017

Merkel is calling upon the G20 to regulate the internet. While she is pretending to be concerned about cyberattacks, which no regulator can prevent, you have to look into the finer details. Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a global regulation saying: “Industry 4.0 will have to go through the process that we have already gone through […]

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