All posts in " World Economic Conference "

The Perfect Financial Storm

March 29, 2019

COMMENT: Martin, Have read the two blogs on the Emerging Markets. Hit like a cold bucket of ice water. Knew something was coming from all your writings and the EMC, but Wow. Right in front of us. Here is an observation, a thought: Emerging Markets could turn out to be the Sub-Prime of this new […]

Nigel Farage to Address the Audience at the WEC May 3rd Rome

March 19, 2019

With the significance of everything taking place in Europe, we are extremely pleased to announce that Nigel Farage will address the audience at our World Economic Conference on May 3rd in Rome. With the turmoil between BREXIT and the chaos going on in Brussels behind the curtain, there is nobody better to tell it like […]

Nigel Farage to Address the WEC in Rome May 3rd & 4th

March 18, 2019

With the significance of everything taking place in Europe, we are extremely pleased to announce that Nigel Farage will address the audience at our World Economic Conference on May 3rd in Rome. With the turmoil between BREXIT and the chaos going on in Brussels behind the curtain, there is nobody better to tell it like […]

The Fate of Europe – Special Report for Rome WEC

March 15, 2019

As we face a major election this May in Europe, there truly is rising discontent among member states who realize this is just not working. The demands of austerity are tearing Europe apart. Now that the economy is headed down and dirty, the exceptions made for France and Germany are being seen as more proof that […]

WEC in Rome May Be our Last in Europe

March 11, 2019

A number of Americans have asked if they need a visa to visit Rome based upon the rumor that Europe will require visas. No, that begins in 2021. Americans will NO LONGER be able to visit Europe without a visa. This may be our last WEC in Europe. We believe the movement behind the curtain […]

WEC Rome 2019 – The Fate of Europe & the World

February 26, 2019

This year we are holding a WEC in Rome, which is so appropriate not merely because of its extensive history that instructs us on how empires rise and fall, but because May is the crossroads for Europe. Besides BREXIT which PM Theresa May is now trying to delay because politicians fail completely to comprehend the role […]

Our Traditions are Often those of the Roman Empire

January 29, 2019

QUESTION: Just curious. Did the Romans ever celebrate their founding of Rome like we celebrate the fourth of July? ZT ANSWER: Oh yes. We seem to have adopted whatever they did as traditions as well. For example, there are nuns in the Catholic Church who take vows of chastity and are in theory married to […]

2018 Year-End Report

December 17, 2018

Here is the 2018 Year-End Report. This is Included with the WEC Events both in Orlando & Singapore this year. This includes specific details on a number of world share markets in addition to a table covering almost 700 individual instruments globally. The Table provides the name, 2017 closing, current position relative to 2017, Last price, Outside Reversal, […]

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