All posts in "News"

Central Banks Buying Equities

June 20, 2019

QUESTION: Central banks around the world are currently purchasing equities. If they continue to purchase equities, will we ever have a significant market downturn again? What happens when central banks acquire enough shares to control corporations? PE ANSWER: Yes. The central banks have been buying equities to try to diversify their balance sheets as they […]

Changing the World v Dark Forces of Corruption

June 20, 2019 QUESTION: Hi Marty ! How can we really expect politicians to make any kind of decisions when even the best humans can only think of 2 MAYBE 3 aspects at a time…. let alone complex dimensions that your computer seems to be able to interpret so well. Are we due for a reality check […]

World War III – 2024-2027?

June 19, 2019

QUESTION: Besides the Bible, there are many clairvoyants who predict that there will be World War III. Your models predict the rise in war tensions. What is your “opinion” about the prospects for a third world war? JC ANSWER: There is no doubt that we are in the process of a rising war cycle. It […]

Climate Change & Solar Minimum

June 19, 2019

COMMENT: Hello Martin, You’ve covered the topic of increasing seismic activity and the correlation with climate change extensively in your daily blog. Since the solar activity started to decline (cycle 24) around +/- 2014-2015, it seems that the rate of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are increasing worldwide. Below I have added some links as reference […]

Switzerland – Its Changing Economy

June 19, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You very recently pointed out that Switzerland is a country to avoid if it comes to foreign “Tax Refugees”. Because it signed, like many other countries, the Common Reporting Standard (CRS) agreement. But how do you rank Switzerland as a country to live in permanently? I mean living there with a […]

Taxes on What You Should Have Done with Your Property But Didn’t

June 18, 2019

In Vancouver, if you have a property that someone else would love to tear down to build a high rise, the government has created a scheme to make you pay taxes as if you were a high-rise. Small businesses pay some amount of tax on the airspace above their businesses, which they have not developed. […]

Will Chicago Real Estate Ever Rise Again?

June 18, 2019

QUESTION: Chicago real estate- is there any future before 2032 or do we hope for a Detroit situation as the only possibility for prices to rise? Thank you! Bob ANSWER: Real estate will rise marginally but only when we see the shift from public to private. However, that will not be a rally in real […]

Climate Emergency – The New Justification for New Taxes

June 18, 2019

Cities have begun using the term “climate emergency” to justify new taxation. This was the case in the Guelph City Council in Canada where they declared a climate emergency. They have admitted that they “already have an action plan. A very ambitious, robust and doable action plan. We don’t need to re-state that.” The spokesperson […]

The Rise in Agriculture for the Next ECM

June 17, 2019

The Fall Army Worm (FAW; Spodoptera frugiperda) is a crop-eating pest that was first detected in China back in January 2019. It has now spread across China’s southern border and currently impacts about 8,500 hectares (127,000 mu) of grain production in Yunnan, Guangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hunan, and Hainan provinces. Officially, Chinese authorities have employed an […]

Endless Cycle of Corruption

June 17, 2019

QUESTION: I read your articles on Capital flows regularly and I appreciate how you interlace different concepts together. Where is the money? European rulers essentially drained the Asia/Africa of their resources in the last 400-500 years. With all of it piped into Europe, it should have sustained the population for way more time than what […]

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