All posts in "News"

Is the Vertical Market Over or Just Beginning?

May 8, 2018

QUESTION: Thanks for the update. So it looks like the Vertical Market in the Dow will extend into the end of this cycle 2032 as you warned it could do. Correct? EK ANSWER: It appears to be shaping up that way. The consolidation has been shallow and nothing to get excited about. If the January […]

The Dollar is Not Dead After All?

May 7, 2018

  CLICK ON CHART It is amazing how people have simply declared that the dollar is in a perpetual bear market as if the USA is the only nation with a debt. They judge the entire future by a few weeks of price action. That is what is so dangerous – emotional trading. I have […]

Market Talk- May 7, 2018

May 7, 2018

Shanghai was the star performer today, gaining 1.5% as moves to open the domestic market continues to progress. New rules that will allow overseas listed companies to list domestically is a strong signal that China is open (and encouraged) for business. News that the regulator is to issue draft rules surrounding the issuance of CDR’s […]

EU Demand Germany Pay More to Make Up for BREXIT

May 7, 2018

  The EU Commission is calling on Germany to pay up to €12 billion more annually into the EU’s pocket for the European budget. With Brexit, there will be a gap in their funding of some €3.5 to €4 billion euros. The EU, in reality, would have less to monitor, but there are never any savings in government. […]

London Remains the Financial Capital for Market Execution

May 5, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have said that Brexit is good for Britain and that the financial center could never move to Paris or Frankfurt and survive. Can you elaborate on that topic for us Brits? GS ANSWER: It is amazing that the politicians are so clueless and the heads of the banks are far too […]

Market Talk- May 4, 2018

May 4, 2018

Pretty much a waiting game for both Asia and Europe ahead of the non-farm payrolls report. The US – China trade talks were on everyone’s mind, but statements and comments were few and far between and so we closed Asia weaker more on concerns of what an assumed conclusion. The Hang Seng lost 1.3 as […]

Subscribe to Our YouTube Channel

May 4, 2018

  Stay up to date on the latest videos from Armstrong Economics by subscribing to our YouTube channel! Visit the Armstrong Economics YouTube channel and click the “subscribe” button to receive notifications from YouTube when new videos are posted. (Please note you can view the videos without subscribing to our channel. For instructions on how […]

Cologne Institute of German Business Warns of Deposit Protection May Not Survive in Europe

May 4, 2018

The Cologne Institute of German Business sees in the planned European deposit insurance is simply incapable of proving protection against a bank crash in Europe. The EU deposit guarantee is simply not practical under any concept of austerity. The Eurozone still has inherent significant risks in the balance sheets of European financial institutions. This is […]

ECB is Charging the Banks for Supervising Them

May 4, 2018

Eurozone commercial banks will have to pay the European Central Bank 12% higher fees this year. The Eurozone banks must pay €474.8 million in fees for the supervisory services of the ECB. The cost of supervising the banks has risen to over €500 million and the ECB was to be paid. The ECB, on the one hand, […]

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