All posts in "News"

Armenia Turning to Revolution?

April 27, 2018

The protests in Armenia are continuing. Now Al-Jazeera reports that the soldiers are joining the people. Back on April 23rd, Armenia celebrated the resignation of Serzh Sargsyan, the man who had ruled Armenia for ten years as president/dictator and then for a week changing his title to the Prime Minister. Everyone celebrated and shops ran out of champagne. […]

Greece Going After People Who Rent Their House Out for Taxes

April 27, 2018

The Greek tax authorities are really destroying any semblance of a free society all to satisfy the EU. Tax agents have been pretending to rent houses for a vacation and then monitoring if the people pay taxes. The government is pro-actively sending out people to do business and they are looking to see what you do. […]

The Coming Monetary Reform – Behind the Curtain Talk

April 27, 2018

QUESTION: Okay Marty, You keep saying “the world monetary system will have to be reformed.” Spill! What do you hear behind the curtain? Cheers, EM ANSWER: I just returned from Europe where I had meetings with some high levels of interest. The great concern in Europe is the end of QE for there is a serious […]

Market Talk- April 26th, 2018

April 26, 2018

It was China’s market that took the hit today with both mainland Shanghai and the Hang Seng declining over 1%. It was tech that lead sentiment lower again today following rumours of US probing Huawei Technologies and that spread to the sector. These concerns appeared to be confined to China, although the financials and property […]

The Great Divide – Left v Right

April 26, 2018

COMMENT: You are wrong. Trump is the entire reason the country is divided. HR REPLY: I have stated numerous times that this is a global trend. Now the BBC has taken a world survey on this very question. This is the Ipsos MORI study, which was carried out in 27 countries for the BBC. You […]

The Future The Good and the Bad

April 26, 2018

  COMMENT: Good morning Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for your service to Mankind! I look forward to seeing you and Vicky again in Orlando. I was reading your Blog on stem cells and felt compelled to send you the attached. … One other item of note; one of my other clients had their boat seized in […]

Market Talk- April 25th, 2018

April 25, 2018

When you consider the DOW was off 550 points you would have expected significantly more weakness in Asia, but that was not to be! With 15mins trading time to go we saw the DOW bounce 10 points a minute to close off 400 and that almost gives you the kind of liquidity the markets are […]

Where The Future Looks Bright

April 25, 2018

QUESTION: Do you think stem cell research will be the next advance in medicine? KW ANSWER: It is a shame that much is misunderstood and has been driven offshore.  So many people think Stem Cells are taken from dead babies. They are gathered from the umbilical cord but can be extracted from your teeth or even […]

Australian Tax Office Scandal

April 25, 2018

COMMENT:  The Hunt for taxes Just to bring to your attention a scandal coming out with the Tax office in Australia pursuing aggressive revenue targets, and using unethical practices to generate it. D ANSWER: The scandal in Australia with the head of the Tax office is shocking involving a $165 million tax-fraud ­syndicate scandal. The police […]

Kidnapping for Profit

April 25, 2018

COMMENT: I read your piece on taking the profit out of prostitution to end kidnapping young girls. That has been a huge problem in Eastern Europe and girls were even getting kidnapped in Western Europe on vacation. Here in Italy, there was a huge problem of kidnapping people and demanding money from their families. The […]

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