All posts in "News"

Is BREXIT in Trouble? Can Britain Survive Past 2042-2044?

January 5, 2018

The REMAIN crowd is doing everything possible to surrender the sovereignty, dignity, and future of Britain. The left is taking hold in Britain calling anyone who wants to leave the EU is now openly called a “racist” and they are bashing anyone who even appears to be nationalist. While the British pound closed 2017 at […]

Market Talk – January 4th, 2018

January 4, 2018

If you needed proof we have had a positive start to the new year you saw that in Japan this morning. Re-opening after two-day national holidays, the Nikkei added 3.25% today. In fairness, we saw a very narrow range having made the gains from the opening quote, but it was nice to see a 3% […]

Housing Begins to Crash – Australia – New Zealand – London

January 4, 2018

Property values are starting to crash hard in Sydney Australia, New Zealand, and London. Politicians are simply idiots. They all targeted foreigners buying property as the leading cause for the rise in housing prices. What they failed to grasp is that people spend more money when they THINK they have equity in their home. Whenever […]

Tugboats Need Rescue in NYC

January 4, 2018

This winter is very cold. It has even gone down to the 40s at night in Northern Florida. There is a mad rush to run out and buy coats down here. Meanwhile, in the LaLa-Land of corruption, New York City, the ice in the Hudson River keeps getting thicker. Historians had remarked that as the […]

Solar Minimum The Fastest Decline in almost 10,000 Years

January 3, 2018

  QUESTION: Hi Marty ! Happy new year! Not written in a while, but wanted to ask a private question related to the forthcoming cold period. a) How long will it last? (It will start now and go into 2024 – when does Socrates say it will start to reverse and when will temperatures be […]

Universal Basic Income – Insanity or Rational?

January 3, 2018

QUESTION: What is your opinion of Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg idea of universal income? ANSWER: The idea of free money being touted by Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg only demonstrates that they know nothing about humanity or economics. They see universal free money as a cushion for workers whose jobs might be replaced by automation or […]

Trump Impeachment – The Democratic Agenda for 2018

January 3, 2018

Now with the Trump Tax Reform set to really create jobs with the small business benefiting for the first time in more than 30 years (the Democrats call the “rich”), the Democrats have absolutely nothing to offer. Their agenda is simply to oppose whatever the Republicans put forth. They even lack any real leader at […]

Bitcoin Still in Trouble

January 2, 2018

The rally in BitCoin was a perfect 13 weeks up from the last strategic low. It peaked with the Weekly Array the week of 12/18 which was both a Panic Cycle and a Directional Change. However, with the impending ban in South Korea on trading cryptocurrencies, the high of December appears to be at least […]

Understanding Cycles & Dynamic Interconnectivity

January 2, 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not think the world respects your work. I read on your blog there was going to be a bad flu from Australia that would hit Britain. Then a few days later, the headline here is all about what you forecast. You really have to go public and let people […]

Why Models Fail

January 2, 2018

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Did AIG use the Black-Scholes Model and that is what created the crisis again in 2007? WJ ANSWER: No. It’s my understanding that AIG developed different models, they called a “Value-at-Risk Model,” (VaR) which used a binomial-expansion-technique to start valuing their positions. I believe the original model was developed at Moody’s. However, like the Black-Scholes […]

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