All posts in "News"

Noah Ark Commemorated on Roman Coins

March 22, 2018

QUESTION: I found your article on Noah and the flood interesting. However, are there any other sources in the West besides Gilgamesh that it seems many sites point to for the same reason? EY ANSWER: This story of Noah even appears on a Roman coin struck by Septimus Severus (193-211AD) long before Christianity became really […]

The Way to Survive Hyperinflation

March 22, 2018

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I just wanted to comment that I am from Venezuela. My father came here to visit me in Florida where I live with a Green Card. Everything he saved in life for his retirement is now worthless and it does not even pay to travel back to collect his pension. The hyperinflation […]

Market Talk- March 21, 2018

March 21, 2018

Core indices drifted lower today and possibly from the headline that the Central Bank continues to take steps towards opening its markets. Todays announcement that the domestic market will be open to foreign third party payment firms is another move towards internationalisation. Shanghai and Hang Seng closed with only small losses (-0.3% and -0.4% respectively), […]

Is Goldman Sachs the new Rothschilds?

March 21, 2018

Many in Germany are up-in-arms over the appointed by Chancellor Angela Merkel of Jörg Kukies who will become deputy finance minister in her new coalition government. Kukies will take over the responsibilities for financial markets and European policies at the Finance Ministry. Virtually every position in the key financial markets in Europe and American are all coming from […]

Punishing Traders for What Central Bankers Do All the Time

March 21, 2018

Bloomberg is reporting the fate of Christian Bittar who was the top trader at Deutsche Bank AG. He earned a bonus of $126 million in 2008 for betting that as the economy would melt down, banks would refuse to lend to each other until the dust settled so short-term rates would soar. While he is sitting now […]

Market Talk- March 20, 2018

March 20, 2018

  Having seen a weak US session most Asian indices opened in the red. However, that was not to last and most recovered by the close. The SENSEX took less than an hour before it was trading positive whilst the ASX and Nikkei never actually managed a recovery. The key sector that has led the […]

How Can the Majority Be Wrong if they ALL Expect Interest Rates to Rise?

March 20, 2018

QUESTION: Today most analysts think higher interest rates are on the way. If the majority is always wrong how does that play into the expectations for higher interest rates? HP ANSWER: With the Federal Reserve stating they must “normalize” interest rates since 2014, of course, the majority will view that will be the trend. We […]

The Mediterranean Sea Also Dried Up in the Past

March 20, 2018

QUESTION: Enjoyed your article on The Persian Gulf and climate change. In a related topic we did a field trip once to the South of Spain and saw whole cliff faces of gypsum at Sorbas near Almaria. This very thick layer of gypsum is evidence that the Mediterranean Sea had once totally dried up. One explanation is that […]

Market Talk- March 19, 2018

March 19, 2018

At the start of what is expected to be a busy week, Asian markets closed mixed but with concerns over the weekends that President Trump had decided to remove the national security advisor expected to wobble markets. Consequently, the Nikkei took much of the brunt of the action after the Yen saw a fresh flight […]

Eurozone Banking Crisis – ECB Delays Rules for Bad Loans until 2021

March 19, 2018

The European Central Bank (ECB) has postponed its new guidelines for banks because if it did not, the Italian banking system would simply collapse. The ECB has given Eurozone area banks more time to adapt to new guidelines on how to deal with bad loans. The deadline has been postponed from 2018 off into 2021. The […]

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