All posts in "News"

Rogoff: An Elitist Who Has No Respect for the People

January 18, 2017

Kenneth Rogoff is a Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Harvard University. Rogoff calls critics of negative interest rates “ignorant” despite the fact that negative interest rates have been used since 2008 without any success. He had the audacity to say that people should not look at their short-term personal losses, but rather look at the long-term vision […]

Where to Draw the Line Between Charity & Socialism

January 18, 2017

QUESTION:  A helping hand is not socialism I get perturbed about the lack of distinction between socialism and where a helping hand of the kindly state ends. I refer with due respect to your blog on differences between capitalism and socialism. Marty, As you know in all families there are those children and some adults […]

Market Talk – January 17, 2017

January 17, 2017

A rather mixed session in Asia with many anxious to hear what British Prime Minister, Theresa May, has about to say about BREXIT. The Nikkei continued to experience a setback having rejected last weeks highs and has also seen the JPY trading down (Yen strength) to mid 112’s. Shanghai and Hang Seng were both positive […]

Capitalism v Socialism – Good Perspective of the Difference

January 17, 2017

COMMENT: Martin, A story I received: A guy looked at my Porsche the other day and said I wonder how many people could have been fed for the money that sports car cost. I replied I am not sure, it fed a lot of families in Bowling Green, Kentucky who built it, it fed the […]

The Coming Referendum in Turkey to Consolidate More Power for Erdoğan

January 17, 2017

A constitutional referendum is planned to be held in Turkey in in the Spring of 2017. A survey is showing that the people are not really in favor of handing endless power to the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Voters are expected to decide on amending 18 articles of the Constitution of Turkey. The amendments have been […]

Soros Should be Banned from Hungary

January 17, 2017

I still believe that George Soros is extremely dangerous with his ideas of Open Society. Hungary’s vice chairman of the ruling Fidesz party, Szilard Nemeth said that all operations funded by Soros and his Open Society Foundation should be banned from operating in Hungary. Nemeth said at a news conference that Soros and his operations were “pushing […]

Clinton Global Initiative – Core of their Foundation is Closing Down

January 16, 2017

The collapse of the Clinton Foundation is in full swing demonstrating that this was all really about selling influence. Given the bad press for the Clinton Foundation, combined with Hillary’s loss, has sent her political donations running for the hills. The Clinton Global Initiative was their pretend centerpiece to which they claimed its goal “convenes […]

Are Trump Protesters Just Completely Brainwashed Idiots?

January 16, 2017

Al Sharpton seems to be doing whatever he can to mislead minorities in a very dangerous way. He has been organizing civil rights activists vowing to defend what they say are hard-fought gains in voting rights and criminal justice prior to the presidency of Donald Trump. Sharpton is not stupid. He knows what he is […]

Japan in Deep Freeze

January 15, 2017

Temperatures in Japan have plunged to record levels so far this winter in many regions on Sunday. There has been very heavy snowfall continuing to hit areas particularly along the Sea of Japan coast. The city of Aomori was buried in 2.56 meters of snow. The temperature fell in Iwate prefecture to minus 16.5°C establishing the new […]

Worse Ice Storm in 10 Years Hits USA – Deep Freeze of 2017

January 15, 2017

What could be the worst ice storm in 10 years began Friday in the central U.S., as forecasters warned it will unload freezing rain on a 1,000-mile swath from the central Plains to the mid-Atlantic over the weekend. It has snowed in Tokyo and as far south as Athens. The winter of 2017 is a deep freeze […]

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