All posts in "News"

Police Giving DUI Tickets when on Pool Toys in Australia

January 3, 2017

  COMMENT: Hi Martin – Police in Australia hit a new low last week charging people with DUI while floating on pool toys in Sydney Harbour claiming they are a “vessels”. Really appreciate all the work you do and you’ve got a big following down under! Keep it up Ben. Youtube title is: Australian Police […]

Connecting the Dots

January 3, 2017

QUESTION: I find your explanation of how everything is connected very insightful. So events go nuts in Europe and that sends capital fleeing to America as in World War I and II. Am I correct in saying it is not possible to manage an economy in isolation? Thanks for making my mind work HW ANSWER: […]

Currency Shows Turkey’s Death Spiral into Dictatorship

January 3, 2017

Turkey has really turned into a dictatorship and the claimed “elected” head of state acts like anyone other than a democratically elected representative. He has acted more like Stalin, and has been gathering anyone who disagrees and demanding other government return people who have fled from him so he can execute them. The Turkish author […]

Market Talk January 2nd, 2017

January 2, 2017

Although the cash markets for Japan, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Australia were closed some of the exchange traded futures market did open. All were better bid, closing in positive territory but as you would imagine, volumes were extremely thin and even the Indian Sensex closed unchanged. It was the European markets that tended to drive […]

Yes, More Electors Abandoned Hillary in the Electoral College

January 2, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really do not understand this electoral college in the United States. Why does the popular vote not count? Then I heard that more electors abandoned Hillary rather than Trump. Thank You from European Disneyland JH ANSWER: It is very simple. The EU has member states and each is really its own […]

Don’t Blame the Rich

January 2, 2017

COMMENT: Hi Martin, Not everyone hates the rich, for without them the lower class would have nothing. What people are angry about are the disgusting bonuses to bankers after they failed everyone whilst hard working people with small businesses were the ones robbed and still being robbed via taxation. Some wealthy people deserve what they […]

From Spain

January 1, 2017

COMMENT: Hello Martin Armstrong!   Good Morning! I wanted to congratulate you for your interview on the TV show “out of coverage” on channel 4 (Spain) I love your web. And your work and dedication to confidential economic graphics. You are a genious! This reminds me of the following quotes: “Great spirits have always encountered […]

Janus – The Start of a New Year

January 1, 2017

The Roman god Janus was the god of the beginning and ending of conflict, and hence war and peace. In ancient Rome, the Temple of Janus stood in the Roman Forum with doors on both ends, and inside was a statue of Janus, who is always represented as the two-faced god. The doors of his temple were open in […]

Incendiary Sky

January 1, 2017

COMMENT: I live on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic in a little town which is one of the kite and wind surfing spots in the world …. while driving home last month in one of those beautiful weather fluctuations we experience here, I watched the sky turn from yellow and blue to magenta and […]

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